421 Show
(Hand Of Refuge Ministry.) Hello, my name is James Keith (JD) This podcast is part of my ministry. God says to take the gospel to the highways and hedges compel lost. We all come from different walks of lives, but one thing we all have in common is we have a testimony to share.
In this podcast I want share Gods testimonies, the word of God, all his goodness.
421 show: Host Jd.
Bible Talk: Host Deb Osborne.
Cawood Church Of God.
Bonus Programs:
Will feature Guest Testimony. And Gust Preachers
Coming Soon.
This Program will feature live audio recorded Messages only from Cawood Church Of God. Sunday morning Service.
If you would like to share your testimony contact hor421ministry@gmail.com.
Starting September 2024 every Sunday at 5pm Bible Talk will be airing on WUIC 88.1 Christian Radio
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24 hour prayer service, 1st Saturday of the month @ The Cawood Church of God. Harlan Ky.
For more information contact Georgina Perkins
@ https://www.facebook.com/georgina.perkins.733
Contact information:
Host: James Keith
Co Host: Debra Osborne
All show are recorded and edited @ 421 Studio. For all your studio needs contact @ hor421ministry@gmail.com 239-849-1502
421 Show
Brother Greg Abraham on Discovering the Transformative Power of Truth and Faith in a Deceptive World
Does the truth still matter in today's world? Brother Greg Abraham from Kentenia full gospel church joins us for a compelling conversation about the role of truth in society and the ways fiction can lead us astray. As we explore his journey to discovering truth through faith in Jesus Christ, Brother Greg emphasizes how the Bible lays down a solid foundation in a world often clouded by deception. He shares his personal insights on the transformative power of truth, urging us to break free from falsehoods that bind us and to follow the path illuminated by faith.
In a heartfelt dialogue, we tackle some of society's most challenging issues, including the topic of abortion. By likening emotional healing to treating physical wounds, we discuss the necessity of confronting uncomfortable truths for genuine spiritual recovery. We highlight the story of Stephen from the early church, examining the resistance met by those who spoke God's truth and the unwavering strength they displayed despite societal pressures. Join us as we face the difficult choice between accepting comforting lies or embracing the sometimes painful, yet liberating, truth of God.
This episode takes listeners on a journey through powerful biblical narratives that illustrate the consequences of rejecting truth and the blessings of embracing it. From the steadfastness of Stephen to the transformation of Saul into Paul, we underscore the eternal significance of truth in guiding humanity. Featuring Brother Greg Abraham's profound insights, we call upon our listeners to pursue the wisdom and truth found in scripture, promising peace, joy, and reconciliation for those who do. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of seeking and loving the truth of God in a world that often prefers darkness.
I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.
hey, it's your host, jeddie.
Speaker 2:You're listening to the 421 show if you guys like to visit our website, it's hor421showbuzzsproutcom for all your latest content and information. Reminder tune in to Bible Talk with Sister Deb Osborne once a week On WUIC 88.1 and also on the 421 Show podcast. But on WUIC 88.1, you can tune in every Sunday at 5 pm. If you'd like to contact Sister Deb, you can email her at osborneanddebrakay at gmailcom. All shows are recorded live no post editing recorded at the 421 studio. Contact information for all your studio needs you can email at hor421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Oh, praise the Lord, Glory to God. This is your host, JD, and we got a special guest with us today, Brother Greg Abraham, and he is going to be preaching for us. Glory to God, Welcome to the show, brother.
Speaker 3:Thank you, brother James. It's a pleasure to be here and thank God for the work that you're doing with the 421 show, shining the light of Jesus all over the world. Amen, and sharing his truth. Thank you so much for the invitation.
Speaker 2:Yes, whenever you want to get started, it's your platform. Go ahead.
Speaker 3:Thank you, my brother.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm a pastor of Smile Church here in Harlan County, Kentucky, a continued full gospel church, and the Lord laid something on my heart recently and just thinking and meditating on the truth of God. Of course, you know, here in North America we see the downfall of our country and we see how people are evading the truth of God and how people are getting caught up in wrong thinking and going down wrong paths, which the Bible tells us that that would happen, that people would become lovers of themselves instead of lovers of God. And I just got to thinking about the truth of God and how important it is in our life and how society here it's really got hard to look for a solid source of truth to look to. Our government in our country has gotten so divisive you don't know who's really telling the truth or who to believe anymore. But the truth is one of the most important topics that we can talk about and lay hold on. I ask some of my students and some of my members a question a lot of times what good is fiction? What good is fiction at all? Things that are not true? How does it help somebody? How is a person expanded or made better or educated through fiction, things that are not true. But yet our society is inundated with movies, fictitious movies that people watch and absorb and even try to pattern their lives after these fictitious characters Video games people get caught up into a world that's not true, and technology is aiding more and more, a way for us to pretend, if you will pretend, things that are not true to be true, and I feel that it's a big, huge cause, a root source of so many of the problems that we have today in this world. It's simply a denying of the truth.
Speaker 3:I want to read a scripture here that sheds a lot of life on the subject. First, I want to start out with John 8, 31 and 32. Jesus is talking and he says if you continue in my words, then are you my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth will have an effect on you. It will make you free. Untruth and things that are fictitious brings bondage, brings wrong thinking, causes people to go down wrong paths, but it's the truth that sets you free. I heard one person say the truth about other people won't help you one bit, but it's the truth about our own selves that will make us free, and that's very important to know.
Speaker 3:So where does one go for a source of truth? Well, there's no other place to go but to the God that made us, the one that created the heavens and the earth. You know the Bible. You say. Oh well, you're just speaking about the Bible, that's just a bunch of opinions and stuff. No, my friends, it's not just a bunch of opinions. Amen, it is the very word of a God that created the whole universe, that created humanity. Amen. And I ask you, who knows more about humanity than the one that created humanity? Who knows more about what is right for us and what is detrimental to us than the one that created us? Amen.
Speaker 2:Amen.
Speaker 3:So I realize, no matter what topic I chose to talk about today, brother James, if people don't mix faith with what you're talking about, it doesn't help them one.
Speaker 2:That's right. Faith without words right.
Speaker 3:You've got to believe in the word that's being spoken. I have no motivation to tell your listeners today anything other than the truth, amen, amen. And I didn't always have a hunger for the truth, amen. And I didn't always have a hunger for the truth. Like many, I followed down wrong paths, believing that this was the right path to go down, only realizing that there was no substance to it whatsoever, nothing to enlighten my life. But one day I found the Lord Jesus, amen. And I realized my search was over and that I'd finally found the truth. Jesus himself made the claim about himself and said I am the way, the truth and the life. Amen.
Speaker 3:No man comes to the Father, but through me, amen, no man comes to the Father, but through me, amen.
Speaker 3:So if you're out there listening to this program and it's hitting with you, you believe that I'm not trying to hoodoo anybody. I have no motive whatsoever to try to make people to think one way or the other, other than I know that it's the truth. I know it's the truth, amen. And this war between truth God's truth and unbelief has been going on a long time and it's still going on today. But today it's got worse than it has ever been. But so Jesus said you know, if you continue in my word, you'll know what truth is. The source of truth is God's written word, yes, and God's spirit, his Holy Spirit.
Speaker 3:Now I want to read you this scripture right here that will bring a revelation to you that will blow your mind. It's in John, chapter 16, verses 7 through 16. Jesus is speaking once again and he said I tell you the truth. It is profitable for you that I go away, for if I go, not away, the comforter, my spirit, will not come unto you. But if I depart, I will send him unto you. And what's he going to do when he comes? He says and when he has come, he will convince and convict the world of sin.
Speaker 2:Yes, he will.
Speaker 3:Of wrongdoing, of wrong thinking, amen. So when he's saying when my spirit gets sent down, after I leave, after I've died on the cross and I've rose from the grave and I've ascended back to my father, I'm going to send my spirit to you, right, and what he's going to do is convince and convict people of what is wrong. You know many people debate, you know why. What separates us from animals. You know what makes mankind different. Amen. And it's been said many times, it's moral absolutes. Where do we get this sense of feeling of right and wrong?
Speaker 2:That's right Amen.
Speaker 3:Why do some people say, well, you don't need to do this, you can't do this, and others say, oh, there's nothing wrong with that. We live in a day and age, brother James. You know where the wrong thinking of the world is saying just be who you are. That's right. Just be who you are, or follow your heart, be true to your heart and what you're. What, what my friends were all born into this wrong thinking. We have to be, uh, educated by the God that made us, because we have failed from him. Amen. So that's why Jesus came, amen.
Speaker 3:Uh, in the first half of the Bible, the Old Testament, god is telling us his truths. One of the major truths that he told people in the Old Testament is I love you, I love you, you can trust me. I've made the earth and everything in it. Trust me. Trust me, even though you don't understand what's going on in your life and why things are happening. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I'm leading you in the right path. Amen, yes.
Speaker 3:So then, finally, after centuries of man never obeying that plea of his to trust him, after centuries of that, in the New Testament, when it starts, he says okay, I'm going to come down and show you Right. I'm going to come down and show you what truth is, amen. And oh, my goodness gracious, when I think about it I just get beside myself how awesome that God is, the fact that he spoke the universe into existence, amen. And how that he created all things and he created man and he formed him out of the dirt and he breathed the breath of life into us and we become a living being, amen, breath of life into us and we become a living being Amen. And it makes me think of that scripture.
Speaker 3:What is man? That he is even mindful of us. Why is he even mindful of us? Why does he love us? But he loved us so much that he came down here to show us the truth, amen. So Jesus has said it is profitable for you that I go away, for if I don't go away, my spirit will not come. But if I depart I will send him to you and when he has come, he will convince and convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. You know what that tells me, james, is that people know what is right and wrong.
Speaker 2:They do. It's a choice.
Speaker 3:It's a choice, amen. So that tells me that the biggest person out there that lobbies for homosexual rights, you know that's saying, and their message, that they were born that way, born that way, and that they're just doing what is how they were born and stuff and they're being true to how they were born. That tells me that they're lying. They're lying down deep inside by the work of the Holy Spirit. They know what the real truth is, so they're not being true to the truth that's inside of them. It also tells me that the biggest advocate for abortion in our country that lobbies for a woman's right to choose, that down deep inside she knows that it is murder. And we're getting down to the nitty gritty now.
Speaker 2:I know amen.
Speaker 3:Realizing how big this denying of the truth really is. And, once again, to get a hold on this and to grasp it, you've got to keep in your mind that we were created by a holy, loving God that cares for us so deeply and so much, amen, he loves us so much. He's three things. He's all-knowing. There's no one that knows what our Creator God knows. Amen, he knows more about ourselves, our own selves, than we know ourselves. Amen, he's all powerful, james. There's nothing that he can't do. But most of all, the third thing is he's all loving. No one will ever love you like he loves you.
Speaker 3:And because he's all loving, amen, he's a loving heavenly father, right, okay, he can't look at his child and just say, do what you want to do. He can't look at his child and just say, oh, you feel good about that, you like that. Let's just go ahead and live it up and go down that. No, because he loves us, amen, he wants to educate us. I asked you all out there what kind of parent would somebody be if they had a child and they just let that child, amen, go down a path that is detrimental to them, that is harmful to them? Would that parent really love that child and that's why God said as many as I love, I chastise and I rebuke, amen.
Speaker 3:In other words, because I love you, I want to educate you, I want to turn you onto a right path. I want to get a hold of your gray matter, your noggin, and get garbage out of there wrong thinking up there. I want to humble you down, get old ugly pride out of you and instill right thinking in you and a right attitude and right priorities in you.
Speaker 3:It's because he's a loving father that he wants to change us. But the scripture I just read about the work of the Holy Spirit he comes down and he convinces, and he convicts people of what is wrong and what is right. So how then? How come everybody's not doing right? Well, we're getting to the heart of why I wanted to talk about it. It's because they reject the truth. You see, they refuse. You see, they refuse, they absolutely refuse to lay hold on the truth. And so this went on. And before we go any further, I just want to play this little song right here. This song I heard I'm 60 years old and I heard this back when I was a teenager and it's a song about abortion, and it's a cold, hard truth about abortion. How many has ever heard the saying the truth hurts.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:Well, the truth can hurt, but I assure you the truth is always good. Yeah, it's good, amen, to embrace the truth. Even though it may be painful and it may hurt you. It's still good for you, amen.
Speaker 3:It's sort of like if a person had a bad wound on their body that was full of infection and rot and was stinking and stuff. Is me placing a bandage on top of that going to cause it to heal up. No, what has to be done first. What has to be done first is all the rottenness, all the rotten flesh, all the infection has got to be pulled out of that. It has to be cleaned, amen. Infection has got to be pulled out of that. It has to be cleaned, amen. And after all, that hurtful process is over. Then the balm can be put on, that sweet, healing balm of the Spirit of the Lord. Amen can be put on that.
Speaker 3:You see, so many people are hurt by untruths in their own lives and many people don't want to embrace the truth because of the pain that it brings to embrace that truth. But I'm going to try to go ahead and play this song right here that I heard when I was a young man for you, and it is about abortion and it's really nothing but the truth about abortion. And if you're out there today and you've fell into this trap of trying to believe that abortion is something other than what it really is, I'm telling you your answer is not running away from the truth of what it is Amen, but your answer is running to God.
Speaker 3:Amen and accepting the truth of what it is, amen. But your answer is running to God and accepting the truth of it. Amen, because we everyone fail and we've everyone done things that are untrue and detrimental to us. Amen. And the answer for healing of all of that for us is running to God and just speaking it, you know, confessing it out, open and asking our Father, god, to forgive us. And oh, he does it so beautifully. Repentance is the most beautiful thing in the world Amen. When you truly come to God and you acknowledge your sincknowledge, the truth of your sin, and you cry out to God and he comes in and the healing comes. But you can deny the truth to your last breath, amen. And healing will never come. You'll die in that pain of resisting that truth. But, oh my goodness, if we confess our sins, the Bible says he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Now, this song is straight up hardcore about the truth of abortion, but I feel led to play it, for you.
Speaker 2:I think that's what the world likes, is hardcore. It's the truth, the judgment, you know, it's what sets us free, right, and the world is liking that, because they're turning towards the world instead of turning to the one that created it Exactly.
Speaker 1:Exactly by myself. I made the earth and everything in it. Hear the little heartbeat. Should I kill it? See the forming image. Kill it. What are you afraid of? Kill it. Can you drown the memories? Yeah, kill it, get rid of it. That's the law, it's legal. Kill it. See the smiling court and kill it. Get rid of it. Save a casket and a pot. Why not kill it Using taxes? We ain't got, but we need to kill it, but we need to kill it. Can you close your eyes at night? I simply must get rid of it. Can?
Speaker 3:you go to sleep.
Speaker 1:All right, we gotta get rid of it. Take a pill and then a drink Kill it. Even when you're out, you think Even so, we gotta get rid of it. When you get to heaven, you killed him. When you're facing Jesus, my child, you killed him. When you stand before your God Father, they killed him. Can you stand to hear him say my creation, you killed it. Hear the little heartbeat. See the forming image. What are you afraid of? Can you tell the memories? La, la, la, la, la la la Pretty straight up.
Speaker 3:That's strong. That's strong it is. What's the truth of that song? I guess we need to put the little disclaimer on there we don't own the rights to that music. That everybody says.
Speaker 2:No, it's the truth that hits home.
Speaker 3:That hits home. And what is it really saying? Abortion is murder, it's murdering. And then what do they always say? If you're going to deny the truth, you'll come up with all kinds of things to defend it. If you won't have the truth, you'll end around and try to come up here. What do they always say? Well, what about if a woman gets raped? You know, and also you know what if there's going to be a problem? What if the woman's life is in danger? Well, you know, bad things happen to people all over the earth. Those are two bad things that they mentioned, amen. And so nobody is exempt from bad things happening.
Speaker 3:But we have a saying back here in the mountains, and that saying is two wrongs. Don't make a right. That's right. Just because something bad happened to you, don't mean you try to fix it by doing something bad to try to alleviate that. Amen. That little baby is a human being, amen. And life starts in the womb and when we make a decision to end our pregnancy, we are murdering that baby. That's the truth. Now I can almost feel, through the internet and through the airwaves, anger building and stuff. And remember what we said a few minutes ago the truth hurts. That's just one topic of many untruths that are out there, but what I'd like to do is I want to read one of my favorite Bible stories.
Speaker 3:If we got time, we got plenty of time, okay, and that story is the story of Stephen and in the early church. So the rejection of truth started way back then in the Old Testament or in the New Testament. There Jesus had come, he had taught, he had healed, he had showed us the way and taught his wonderful truths. He died on the cross and he rose from the grave and he ascended back up to the Father. He sent the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. And what did the Bible say of this Spirit of truth that he sent down here on the day of Pentecost, in Acts, chapter 2? That he would lead us into all truth. Wow, hallelujah, he would lead us into all truth, amen. The truth about our own selves, the truth about why we were created and what life is all about. This wonderful spirit of God would lead us into all these truths. So we see that people received his spirit and began to walk in his truth. They began to be restored to what God created them to be and what a beautiful thing it was the early church amen. As they yielded to God, as they confessed their sins and were covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and began to follow after his truths. Okay, but I just want you to know, it wasn't long before people began to stand up against the truth. So in Acts, chapter 6, and Acts chapter 7 is where we find this Amen.
Speaker 3:The Bible tells us that they picked out 12. Let's see how it says. In those days they picked out seven men of honest report that was full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom. Amen to a point over distributing funds to the poor and to the widows. Amen. They picked out these seven men and one of them was Stephen. Amen. And it says that this Stephen was full this is how they describe him Full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. Amen of God. He was full of faith and power, it says, and he did great wonders and miracles among the people. Now, when God's light and the truth of God's light start shining, and thank God for the freedom that we have in the United States of America, in the state that we live in, particularly the county that we live in, I wonder if there's another place on the face of the earth, james, that has more Jesus-believing churches per square mile than the place that we live in. There's 500.
Speaker 2:There's 500.
Speaker 3:Oh, yes, yes.
Speaker 2:Churches alone in this county.
Speaker 3:I did not know that that's a whole lot of churches. As the old saying goes, you can't throw a rock without hitting a church house, and I thank God for that. And sometimes I wonder why, up this holler, god has so many believers up this holler. But I believe it's because of the darkness of the world. How dark it's getting right now. And I believe God's going to use many in our area in these last days, in these dark days, amen to shine his light.
Speaker 3:So Stephen, the light of God began to shine from Stephen greatly. Now, light in the Bible typifies the wisdom of God many times. It typifies the truth of God. The Bible tells us to walk in his truth, to walk in his light, amen. So Stephen was full of the light of God and the truth of God was spoke from him, amen. So anytime you start speaking the truth of God, I can guarantee it you can take it to the bank. It's dyed in the wool. Somebody's going to get upset. I've been doing it long enough now to I can. I realize when I start speaking the truth, there's going to be those that's going to ruffle their feathers. There's going to be those that does not want the truth, like that old saying that people say can you handle the truth? A lot of people. It's not that they can't handle the truth, it's just simply they do not want the truth. They want to believe something other than the truth. Amen.
Speaker 2:That is right.
Speaker 3:And a key truth that is so rejected by many is what the Bible says about mankind All we, like sheep, are gone astray, amen, and our righteousness is filthy rags. In other words, we need saving, we need change, and the only one that can change us, the only way we can be changed, is having faith in the God that made us and receiving his antidote, his remedy for our wrong thinking and our unbelief. Amen. So Stephen begins to shine the light, he begins to speak the truth. The Bible says there arose certain of the synagogue, the religious people.
Speaker 2:Right amen.
Speaker 3:Some of the worst people in the world amen to argue and reject the truth is religious people.
Speaker 2:It's like preaching to your family.
Speaker 3:Come on, it's true. Who come against Jesus so much? He comes speaking the truth, and many of the ones that rejected it was religious people, amen. So we see a lot of the church's mistake today. Amen is not yielding themselves to the Spirit of God, and let God teach them Amen. Instead, they get caught up in man's way of God, and let God teach them Amen. Instead, they get caught up in man's way of thinking and the way it should be.
Speaker 3:So there arose those of the synagogue amen, cyrenians and Alexandrians and them from Cilicia and Asia. And what were they doing? They were disputing with Stephen. But I want you to listen to what it says. They were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.
Speaker 3:James, you know, there ain't nothing you can do with the truth. You can debate the truth, you can argue against the truth, you can try to warp it, change it, trying to twist the truth, amen. But the truth will come out on top every time. You can't change what is truth, amen. So it says he was so full of truth and wisdom and the spirit by which he spake they could not resist it. So what are you going to do? What are you going to do if you can't argue with the truth and you can't change the truth? And down deep inside, you know it's the truth, but you hate the truth. This is what we're living in today and that's what we're experiencing in the continent of North America, in our government, amen. And all over the world, amen. People have become lovers of their own selves instead of lovers of God and his truth. Amen.
Speaker 2:There's a choice.
Speaker 3:There's a choice to make, amen. And so what did they do? They couldn't dispute and change his mind. They knew it was a truth. So the next thing it says they suborned men. They made up falsities. You see, that's what they do. They turn to lies and stuff. Just for instance, back to the topic of homosexuality. You know, look at the pathway that the thinking has went down, because they simply don't want to accept the truth that homosexuality is a sin. Right, so you were born that way, okay. And so they're holding on to a lie, a falsity. So then one lie leads to another.
Speaker 2:I mean, he's never heard that saying amen.
Speaker 3:You can't justify it. It does. One lie leads to another. So they say, okay, we're going to say this is the truth, we're going to hold on to it. And even though we really know differently, down inside, we're going to say this is the truth, we're going to hold on to it, Even though we really know differently down inside, we're going to hold on to this. So then you go. Well, what about people that feel like that they're really not the gender that they've been living? You know? Well, we need to do something about that too. You know, we need to realize that. Hey, you can change that.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:What you were born, You're able to change that. Yes, what you were born, You're able to change that. So another life. And you see how it went down the primrose path of trying to justify a lie. If you start trying to justify something that ain't true, it will get more and more ridiculous the more you try to justify it. So then it gets down into the stupidity of trying to assign bathrooms to people and the ludicrousness of trying to justify that. And we've got to have bathrooms, you know, and figure out who has to go in who bathrooms. And then on, down and down the path. Now to where it's trickled into sports and they're letting genetically male human beings compete against the females. Sorry about that.
Speaker 3:In the Olympics the poor girl got beat half to death simply because people didn't want to embrace the truth about the situation. Amen. So what did they do? They couldn't resist the truth that Stephen was speaking and they suborned men which said we have heard this man, Stephen, speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God. And they stirred up the people. You see, that was what their motive was. It's all about justifying their lie that they're embracing. And they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes, and they came upon him and they caught him and brought him to the council. They set up false witnesses. All this is because they would not have the truth.
Speaker 2:Amen, that's it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and they said. This man ceases not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place. All he was doing, James, was trying to tell them the truth. All he was doing is trying to administer the good things of God to them, to show them the right path that they need to turn to and the wrong path that they need to abandon. Amen.
Speaker 2:That reminds me of Adam and Eve. Yeah, you know, the serpent coming to Eve and distorting the truth.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know you should not die. You know it's just, and it's the same thing that's going on today.
Speaker 3:And the deceiver, the devil. He's excellent at it. He is, he's excellent at it. He'll give you 99.5% truth and 0.5% lie. Well, guess what If it's 0.5% it's a lie? Someone said it like this what if I made a delicious pan of brownies? It had walnuts in it and the aroma of it smelled so good and it looked so fluffy and good and delicious looking and you wanted it so bad. But then it was disclosed to you that there is just a small pinch of dog feces in it. Just a small pinch, not enough to matter. Would it change your whole opinion about it? Of course it would.
Speaker 2:Yes, it would.
Speaker 3:And that's the way it is. He's an expert at mixing just a little bit of a lie to try to convince people. Amen.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:The History Channel in our country does that same thing.
Speaker 2:They do a lot of it.
Speaker 3:They will give you 99.5% of truth about wars and history and events here in North America, but when it comes to the spiritual, that's where the 0.5% of untruth is bombarded upon you to deceive people. See, there ain't but two kinds of people in the whole world. You know. There's short, fat people, like me. There's tall, skinny people Amen. There's different cultures, people from different countries all over the world, but when you get down to it, there's only two different kinds of people, and that's those that belong to the Lord, that have yielded to the Lord, following his spirit and following his truth, and those that reject the Lord, amen. Those that have him and have become reconciled with the God that made them, and those that have not, those that are separated from him, amen.
Speaker 3:So they made up all these lives and we heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the place. It was all lies, it was everyone lies and it was all about justifying the lie in their heart as they tried to reject the truth. So, after all these things were said about him, they looked at Stephen and the high priest said Are these things so? Are these things so? And so Stephen begins to preach a message and I say Stephen, but it was really the Spirit of God that spoke through him. He began to speak and he began to tell them the rich history of the Jewish people and he began to lay out how God had been with them over the centuries. And I could almost see their heads getting real big and swelling up with pride.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, stephen spoke over and over, no doubt for quite a length of time, about how God delivered them out of Egypt and how Moses had been a deliverer, you know, and so on, All the great miracles of God, and how they were God's chosen people, amen. But as he gets to the end of his message, he starts dropping the bomb of truth on the end of his message, and this is what he said. He said you, stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and in ears, you do always resist the Holy Ghost. They're resisting the spirit of truth of God. And he said as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets had not your fathers persecuted? Was he speaking the truth Absolutely? And they have slain them, which showed before the coming of the just one, jesus Christ, of whom ye have now been the betrayers and murderers. Was he embellishing? Was he just trying to fluff the truth up? No, this was the cold, hard truth. And they said they've received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it.
Speaker 3:When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart. They were cut to the heart. Remember, the truth is painful. So really, they're at a crossroads here, james. They just got preached the truth of God. They just got told where they had failed at and what they did. Amen, and they felt the pain of the truth. Now, when you get to that place in your life, what can you do? What's your options? You can run to the truth or you can run away from the truth. So what did they do? Only option you're going to do if you're rejecting the truth is to become like an animal, and that's what they did. They ran on him, they were cut to the heart and they ran on him and gnashed on him with their teeth. Think about that.
Speaker 3:If you're not going to believe the truth, your options run out. Because guess what? Let me remind you what I said earlier Down deep inside, these people knew what they were hearing was the truth.
Speaker 2:What does God say? Hell's going to be like Just going to be gnawing and gnashing at the teeth. Good point, because the truth is not in them.
Speaker 3:That's a good point, James. That's a good point. Wow. And those people in hell, you know, you say, why are they there? Why are they there Because they murdered somebody, because they had an abortion, because they lived a homosexual lifestyle, because they cheated, they stole, because they lied? No, there's one central reason why they're there, and that's because they rejected the truth of God.
Speaker 2:That's it. They would not have rejected. God, amen, brother.
Speaker 3:That's what sends everybody to hell. That's right. Our God that created everything is a God of love and he don't send nobody to hell for eternity, for eternal torment.
Speaker 3:They send their own selves to torment for all eternity. They sentence their own selves because they will not have the truth of God, amen. So they ran on Stephen and they gnashed on him with their teeth I love this part. But he being full of the Holy Ghost, he looked steadfastly into heaven and he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and he said behold, I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. And he said behold, I see the heavens open and the son of man standing on the right hand of God. And when they heard him say that, they cried out with a loud voice. And the Bible says they put their hands over their ears and stopped their ears up because it was hurting them so bad and they would not embrace it.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:They could not change and embrace it, and so they're running full speed, as fast as they can, away from it. And they ran upon him with one accord and cast him out of the city and stoned him with stones. But this next part, right here, is so awesome. You see, we got to get rid of this person that's speaking this truth. He's causing us too much pain and we don't want this truth. So they take their coats off as they're running him out of the city, as they're stoning him, and they turn around to this guy and they lay their coat at this guy's feet, as if to say here, watch my coat while we're getting down to business here. And the Bible says it was a young man named Saul.
Speaker 3:Do you get where I'm going at?
Speaker 2:Yes, brother.
Speaker 3:They thought that they were stamping out the truth and eradicating the truth from them once and for all. They laid their coats down at the feet of someone that was going to take that truth all over the world. Amen, that, predominantly, wrote, predominantly, the biggest part of the New Testament that we have. Amen. You see, you'll never hear me now, you listeners, hear me now and take heed to what I'm saying. You will never eradicate the truth. You may kill those that preach it, that sing about it, amen. You may run from it, you might try to change it, but it will always be the truth. And, as we say back here in the mountains, the truth will stand when the world's on fire, when all the smoke clears. Amen, you know, what's going to be standing is the truth and those that have embraced it. Amen. So they laid down their coats and clothes at a young man's feet whose name was Saul and they stoned Stephen cowing up on God and saying Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. He kneeled down and he cried with a loud voice Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. Oh, my goodness gracious, I'm telling you, the pathway of truth is always the right path to go down. Amen, it's always good, 100% good. Amen.
Speaker 3:Now we've talked about the truth of God, and we've talked about the story of Stephen, how he stood for the truth and how man rejected it. Now I want to talk to you about a future event that's just right on the horizon, out in front of every one of us, and it's found in 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 through 12. And Paul was talking to the Thessalonians. He's writing a letter to them and he says I beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled. Back then there was a lot of living to do. Yes, the day of Christ, the coming of the Lord, the separation day for all eternity, was off in the distance. Amen, right.
Speaker 3:And then he says this statement let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a following away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. He's talking about the soon coming Antichrist that's coming into the world. Then he begins to describe this person and I'm going to tell you the world is ripe for this one world leader, and he will be Antichrist in every way, amen. He will refuse the truth, but he'll be so charismatic, charismatic, and the world is being acclimated to him by the very spirit of the Antichrist. Today they're getting acclimated by the way that he will present himself, even though he's not stepped on the scene yet. He will personify self, he will personify love of self, and that's where people's getting prepared to receive him today, amen.
Speaker 3:And so explains how he's going to be. He will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God. He's going to be a great opposer of the truth, or that is worship, a great opposer of the truth, or that is worship. And so that he sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. And it says and now you know what is withholding that he might be revealed in his time. Now I want to reread here that two things is going to precede the day of the Lord, according to the Apostle Paul. Two things First, there's going to be a great falling away. That's already happened.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're seeing that.
Speaker 3:There is a falling away from truth. People don't really care about truth anymore. I'm trying to wind this thing down, but it's such a powerful topic.
Speaker 2:I keep on going.
Speaker 3:It's such a strong topic and such a necessary topic. One Christmas me and my family was in the kitchen and we'd been blessed so much We'd been making some Christmas cookies there and the television was on. And there was a movie on TV and it was the remake of that old movie, the Miracle on 34th Street.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:You know where a guy says that he is Santa Claus.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And he gets into all that trouble and there's a lawyer friend of his that decides he's going to take it upon himself to prove to the world that this man actually is the fictitious Santa Claus and prove that he's real and he's there. Anyway, to try to summarize real fast I was sitting there, I wasn't really watching it, minding my own business, but I heard something come out of the actor's mouth that caught my attention as he was in the courtroom trying to make his case. He said this court needs to decide what it is that they want A truth that makes you cry or a lie that makes you smile. And when I heard that, james, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I thought that's it. That's what's wrong with the world today. They would rather have a truth. They would rather have a lie that makes them smile. They don't care that it's a lie, they don't care that it's untruth and it's good for nothing.
Speaker 3:They would rather have that lie than a smile that might cause them a little bit of pain, even though that smile they just want that feel-good moment.
Speaker 3:Exactly, exactly. So Paul is saying don't let nobody deceive you. Two things are going to happen. One thing is there's going to be a great falling away from the truth, and that's what's happened. Then the second thing is, this man of sin is going to be revealed. And he begins to reveal what kind of person this is, amen. And he says only he who now letteth will let until he that's letteth is took out of the way.
Speaker 3:Does it seem to you that our country and all over the world, it's like a house of cards and it's so volatile and you think, what in the world is holding everything together? Countries have a nuclear weapons all over the place and there's so much hatred for one another and so much lies and deceit going around. And I have to think, my goodness, something is holding everything together and keeping utter chaos from coming about. It is the very Spirit of God. That's what it's talking about. Amen, the Lord is holding everything together because he's long-suffering and he's not willing that any should perish. Amen. So he said this mystery of iniquity is already working. The Holy Spirit is holding it back, but when he is taken out of the way, my goodness, if he's restraining the evil in this world. What in the world is it going to be like when he is taken out of the way? The Bible says it's going to be a time like the world has never seen before.
Speaker 2:Chaotic.
Speaker 3:Chaotic, chaotic.
Speaker 3:And we'll never, ever see again, amen. And then he says then shall that wicked person be revealed. You see, then he's going to be revealed, at whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all powers and signs and lying wonders Now listen close to this part. And what's he going to have with him? All deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. He's going to solidify the untruths that people have held on to and embraced and would not let go of because they receive not the love of the truth.
Speaker 3:Listeners, are you out there? Let me ask you a question Do you love the truth? Do you want the truth? Do you recognize that untruth and lies are of no benefit? Are you a seeker of the truth? Amen. He says that this man is going to solidify them in their belief of untruths and he said and for this cause, god himself this blew me away, james shall send them strong delusion. In other words, god's finally got to a place of these people that would not have his truth. And he's essentially going to say, like the old Burger King commercial that said have it your way, have it your way. Have it your way, amen. I've reached out to you. My spirit has reached out to you over and over, and, over and over again. But you would not have it that way. You become reprobate and, incidentally, god doesn't make anybody a reprobate.
Speaker 2:No, we do.
Speaker 3:They put their cells in hell, like we were talking earlier, and they make their cells reprobate. How does one become reprobate? Meaning without hope, no more hope to be reconciled with God, because they have cemented their self against believing the truth of God. I will not do it, amen. And for this cause, god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness. Brothers and sisters, this is where we're at today.
Speaker 2:Yes, we are.
Speaker 3:Are you a lover of truth? Oh, my goodness, you need to cling to the truth of God, amen. You need to realize he is a whale of truth. He knows the answers. He's got the answers for what is right in your life. He's the key to your success. He's the key to your salvation. Be willing to be taught by his Holy Spirit. Amen.
Speaker 3:Now, in Romans, chapter 1, and I'm winding it down Amen. The Apostle Paul is talking, amen, amen. The Apostle Paul is talking, amen. And he says the wrath of God from heaven is revealed against a certain people. Who is that people that it's revealed against? Who is it aimed at? It's all those that hold the truth of God in unrighteousness. That's who his wrath is aimed at. Those people that know the truth down inside. You see, they imprison the truth. It's imprisoned down deep inside of them and they know the truth of God, but they will not confess it or embrace it. Amen, but they will not confess it or embrace it. Amen, according to Romans, chapter 1,. That's who the wrath of God is aimed at. Amen. Also, many people know John 3.16, for God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
Speaker 3:Not many people know John 3.19, a few verses after, which says this is the condemnation. In other words, this is what's going to separate any human being from the God that made them for all eternity. Is that light the truth of God came into the world and that men loved darkness more than they did light.
Speaker 3:That's the separation point right there, more so than adhering to the words of Jesus, embracing them and applying them to their life. Instead, they'd rather believe a lie Instead. They love darkness. They love their own sin instead of that. So in closing, I beseech you all, I plea with all the listeners today, if you don't know God. The Bible says today is a day of salvation. Deep inside within every human being is a hole. There's a hole down deep inside of us, in our spirit, and there's only one thing that's meant to inhabit that hole, and that is the very presence of God himself. And when he inhabits that place inside of us, we become complete, we become healed, we become enlightened from our unbelief and start walking in the truth of God. People try to fill that hole with all kinds of things Love of self, covetousness, love of pleasures, love of things, earthly relationships. The list goes on and on and on. But of a truth there's only one thing that's meant to fit in that hole, and that is the presence of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:Amen.
Speaker 3:Listen to the words of Jesus in closing here in John, chapter 14, verses 21, 23, and 24. 14, verses 21, 23, and 24. Jesus said the person that loveth me not is a person that doesn't keep my sayings. Yes, they reject my truths, you see, but he that hath my commandments, hath my words and keepeth them, it's that person that really loves me. Now, listen to what's going to. It's that person that really loves me. Now listen to what's going to happen to that person that really loves him, that will really embrace his truth and let his truth change him. They that love me are going to be loved of my Father when God looks down and he sees you believe in those words, embracing his truth he's going to love you.
Speaker 2:Yes, amen.
Speaker 3:Jesus said I will love him and I will make known myself unto them, amen. You see, we begin to understand what the whole thing is about and we understand our purpose in life, why we are here and what we were created to be. We become reconciled with the God that made us. Then we have the peace, then we have the joy amen of knowing and doing exactly.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:Amen, I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:And that is the peace that passes all understanding Right. Understand it. And finally he says if someone really loves me, he will keep my words. And here's what's going to happen to that one that really loves me by keeping my words, my father will in turn love him and we will come unto him and make air abode inside of them.
Speaker 2:Amen.
Speaker 3:Hallelujah and see, that's what's wrong with the world today. Think of a very expensive car.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Beautiful in every way and just drop-dead gorgeous Shiny red you know and just beautifully artistically made, but it has no transmission in it. It's not going to go anywhere. That's the way we are without God, without being reconciled with.
Speaker 1:God.
Speaker 3:Amen. There's another scripture. I believe it's in 1 Corinthians 5, the end of it there. It might be 2 Corinthians, but it summarizes it all in one verse For God has made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be the righteousness of God in him.
Speaker 2:Thank you, Jesus.
Speaker 3:No man cometh to God but through the Son. Belief in the Son and to hear in his words. I like to put my name in that verse.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:For God has made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for Greg, that Greg might be the righteousness of God in him. You could put your name in that All you have to do is believe on the Son of God, jesus. You have to believe that he came and shed his blood and suffered and died for you that you might be made a new creature in him. Right Amen. From darkness into light, from confusion to understanding, from wrong ideology to the truth of God. Amen. He makes all things new inside of a wretched, misguided, confused human being.
Speaker 2:Glory to God.
Speaker 3:On a path amen, that's straight a path of understanding and goodness. And then Proverbs. It goes on and on and on. The whole Bible beckons us into his truth. Yes, I think it's Proverbs 1. It says wisdom cries without.
Speaker 2:Proverbs is nothing.
Speaker 3:I mean, that's like beginning to the end Nothing but the wisdom, yeah, wisdom cries without and says how long you simple ones will you love simple things? Will you love just pleasures and ignore the truth and not follow after the truth, not be educated? And here's the invitation Behold, you know, I will pour out. Look to me, lay, hold on me. I will pour out my spirit unto you. Amen, but so many.
Speaker 2:I don't want to take away from your wonderful message.
Speaker 3:Oh, you add to it.
Speaker 2:But you know, as he was winding down there and the Lord reminded me and he says remember, james, where you come from, in 2013,. I walked away from that truth, knowing that truth, but you know that truth. Come back into that room a few years, you know, in 2019,. Come back into that room and the fear of God just filled that room a few years. You know, in 2019. Come back into that room and the fear of god just filled that room, that all presence, knowing god, just filled that room and the fear of god come back into me and the fear of god is the truth, yes, and, and what is it? The truth is. Set you free and I thank god for it. And, brother, I didn, I did want to take away from that wonderful message. Second, in 1 Timothy 2, verse 3 and 4,. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.
Speaker 3:He's a loving Heavenly Father. What are we saying no to and what are we rejecting? We're rejecting the greatest love that has ever been. You're rejecting the greatest love that's ever been aimed at you.
Speaker 2:But you could have all the knowledge in the world, but without that truth, and that truth is what gives you that understanding.
Speaker 3:Yes, yes, you ever seen a little kid, a little ain't-had-time-to-understand-anything kid, seven or eight years old. That's mouthy and a know-it-all.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:And bless God. Their little parent is there with them, that takes care of them, that feeds them, that puts a roof over their head care of them, that feeds them, that puts a roof over their head and this little kid is blasting that parent and acting like it knows better than the 40-year-old parent that's been on this earth for 40 years. That's a good analogy of what any human being is like when they reject the truth of God. He knows more than we do, and the best thing any human being can do is submit themselves to the God that made them.
Speaker 2:That tells me that are we ever going to come off the milk?
Speaker 3:Oh, that's good, that's good.
Speaker 2:And it's the truth.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I believe it was David Wilkerson Brother. David Wilkerson said in North America we how did he say it? We have a half-hearted faith. We believe God for his love, his joy, his peace, but we don't really believe that God will do what he said he will do if we don't embrace his truth.
Speaker 2:Amen, it is profound.
Speaker 3:It's a half-hearted faith and stuff. But I could go on and on about all the unbelief, all the lies that are out there. You know there's lies in our education system. You know there's things that are covered over, waxed over and pretended that ain't there In churches. There's lies, just all the false religions out there that are not what Jesus said at all. All of them come from the devil to coddle men in their love for darkness. That's exactly what all of them's for, to give them some sort of justification of living in their darkness. But Jesus said anybody that loves him will come to the light, will come to his understanding. But people that love darkness, they won't come to the light, lest their deeds be reproved.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:And see that's what it is. They don't want to own up to the fact. In our public schools many of our young people are being turned to homosexuality. It's sad. The devil has come down. He's destroying many and I've noticed what happens. I see what the devil does. He takes one little kid and he anoints him with the devil's anointing.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And he makes him a homosexual. Now I've seen it. Devil's anointing, yeah, and it makes him a homosexual. Now I've seen it. There's nobody funner to be around than an anointed person of the devil. That's a homosexual. They are the life of the party, that's right.
Speaker 3:They are charismatic, appealing. They're smiling and laughing all the time. To look at them you think that man, that person really has it all together, okay. To look at them, you think that man, that person really has it all together, okay. So what he will do is he will use this person and all the other little kids that's come from bad homes. That's not on the football team, that's not. They're ignored by all their peers, amen. And they come from a hard home life and they come to school and seemingly don't have no friends. The devil will send his person to them.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And he's nothing but a liar. He'll begin to whisper to them you're different, you're different, I understand you, I think you're great, understand you, I think you're great. And he'll begin to indoctrinate them with his lies that they are homosexual too.
Speaker 2:He don't do it once or twice, he continuously.
Speaker 3:He truly does come to kill, steal and destroy. He's a great deceiver and before you know it, they get caught up in this, they believe this and right on up until they do the deed. When they do the deed it's a different story. Then it's a different story because down, deep inside, they know what they've done is wrong, and then you see where I'm coming from, how it works. Then they're at this crossroad. If I say this is wrong, then I've got to deal with what I did, the horrible thing that I did. I've got to deal with what I did, the horrible thing that I did. I've got to deal with that. And anybody I become intimate with and if I meet, you know, a spouse in the future, I have to divulge this horrible thing that I did to him.
Speaker 2:That's why the deep calleth to the deep. The devil knows that if he can get you deeper into sin, he can drag you further down than any. The lowest of the lowest he knows that he has you in his palms, but God says you, he'll raise you up and put you in his palms.
Speaker 2:Amen, that's good, james I mean, it's just, I love God, I do too, I do, and I love the word of God and I just, it's just, I don't understand. You know, I've been there. I know what it's not to fill my heart with the word of God and then find myself lusting after the eye, you know, wanting the world's attraction, attention. You know, um, they're charismatic, instead of looking towards God. You know, cause that's what drew me away from God, instead of looking towards God. Yeah, you know, because that's what drew me away from God. And today, still today, I can remember the day and the time that I walked away from God and I said I'm not going to do it no more. Yeah, that has not left me. And the devil reminds me all the time, you know, and I say thank you for reminding me. Yeah, because it reminds me where God had brought me from and where he's taken me. Amen, it reminds me where God had brought me from and where he's taken me.
Speaker 3:Amen, ain't God good. He's so good. Yes, he is. Amen, hallelujah. Yes, thank you for listening. As we said at the beginning, no hidden motives here, no desire to deceive or lead astray. It's motivated by, as one person said it I know what happened to me. I know the love that poured into my soul when I broke open and yielded to Jesus Christ, and I just want other people to feel what I'm feeling. I want the pain to be gone from other people like the pain was gone from me. I want the freedom, them to lay hold on the freedom and have that sweet peace and justification that only he can give when you're covered by the blood of Jesus. Amen. Today's a day of salvation. That's right. Don't you put him off, my friend.
Speaker 2:Thank you for coming on the show, brother. It's been a much blessing it has, and I think, for all the listeners out there. And and I'll have all the information, he'll give me his email and I'll have his facebook, you know, plugged on the uh, the bio of the show and uh, so if you guys want to contact them and everything, and uh, again, this is brother greg abraham. It's been a pleasure having them on the show. Thank you, bill Jackson. I'd like to thank everybody for listening to the show. You're listening to 421showbuzzsproutcom. I said that backwards. Again. I'd like to thank everybody for listening to the show. You're listening to 421 showbuzzsproutcom. I said that backwards. Again. I'd like to thank everybody for listening and if you guys like to support the show, you can do it through paypal or you can go um through the website at hor421.buzzsproutcom. All shows are recorded live. No post editing evening. You.