421 Show

Happy Thanksgiving.. Bible Talk with Sister Deb: Embracing Gratitude Through Paul's Resilience, the Faith of Daniel, and the Miracles of George Mueller—Transforming Challenges into Spiritual Growth

Host: Deb Osborne. Host JD.. Episode 106

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What if gratitude could transform your life, even amidst the darkest times? On this episode of Bible Talk, Sister Deb Osborne invites you on a journey to explore the profound power of thankfulness through biblical teachings and inspiring stories. We draw from the wisdom of Apostle Paul, who, despite his own suffering and imprisonment, championed the practice of gratitude in all circumstances. By focusing on Paul's resilience, we challenge ourselves to embrace a mindset of gratitude, even when life seems toughest, recognizing the spiritual growth that emerges from such a practice.

Our conversation doesn’t stop there. We reflect on the unwavering faith of Daniel as he faced the lions, and the miraculous acts witnessed by George Mueller, whose gratitude and prayer brought divine provision to an orphanage in need. The episode also takes us through the poignant narrative from Luke 17, where only one healed leper returns to thank Jesus, reminding us of the importance of acknowledging our blessings. As Thanksgiving approaches, we encourage a spirit of giving and gratitude, urging listeners to recognize the invaluable gift of prayer and extend generosity and thankfulness beyond just the holiday season. Join us for an uplifting dialogue that promises to shift your perspective on gratitude forever.

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I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.

Speaker 1:

I like to welcome you guys to the show the Bible Talks and I'm here with my friend.

Speaker 2:

Praise the Lord, glory to God. It is a good day to be here. It is a thanking day. I'd like to welcome you guys to the show the Bible Talk with Sister Deb Osborne. You can also listen to her show on WUIC 88.1 Christian Radio Station every Sunday at 5 pm. Tune in to it, I think you'll enjoy it. You can also listen to her show and much more on the 421 podcast show.

Speaker 2:

On whatever platform that you listen on google, apple, spotify much more for contact information on sister deb, you can email her at osborne devercade at gmailcom. If you'd like to support the show, you can support it through paypal slash hor421 or you can go through our-R-421showbuzzsproutcom. All shows are recorded live no post editing Recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information for all of your studio needs, you can email at H-O-R-421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Now we give you Sister Deb with Bible Talk.

Speaker 1:

Hey brother.

Speaker 2:

Howdy, I'm joining you today. Glory to God, how are?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm doing good. I'm excited. I am thankful for being here, aren't we blessed. Yes, amen.

Speaker 1:

Just blessing, I mean just everywhere.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Everywhere. It's just so crazy. I wanted to do something on giving thanks today.

Speaker 2:

I think we can give thanks on everything.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you know what? That's what I got in my notes here. I'm like, you know, we should give thanks all the time and you know, in a couple of hours, in a few hours, of course, we're going to celebrate Thanksgiving and I just think it's a shame that we only set one day aside a year for giving thanks.

Speaker 2:

It's a shame, you know. You know giving thanks to me is remembering what Christ had done for us and what God, the Father, gave his only begotten son Right, you know, and like you just said, to give thanks every day.

Speaker 1:

Right. Well, if you look at it, it's kind of like Thanksgiving's overlooked. I mean, you know, just at first it was the push and the shove to buy the costumes and the candy. And now you know, out comes Christmas and out comes the snowmen and Santa.

Speaker 2:

Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite out of all the holidays is one of my favorite holiday because growing up I didn't have a family and when we did have Thanksgiving it was like you know, we'd all get together that one day out of the year. Or I'd be at my grandmother's house for that year, or we would have my mother's friend or my stepdad's friends over house for that year, or we would have my mother's friend or my stepdad's friends over, and it was just like you know people getting together and just just chit-chatting and having a good old time right, right, right.

Speaker 1:

I remember growing up thanksgiving at my, my grandmother's house. It was awesome. And you know, man, as god's people, it's imperative, it's important that we focus our thoughts not only on this one day a year, but every single day, daily, throughout the year. We should give thanks. I mean we need to focus our gratitude on the goodness of God and who he is and what he's done for us. And that's just like Apostle Paul in his letter he wrote in 1 Thessalonians. He said Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. I mean so. Paul urged us to constantly, you know, lift up all kinds of prayers in 1 Timothy, 2 and 1. Lift up all kinds of prayers. Amen, you know. And you know we can say, well, paul and all them other guys and Jesus, well, they were spiritual giants. They can give thanks. But you know, people, if you go back and you read about Apostle Paul and his life and what he went through, I'm not going to go all through it, I'm going to read it all, man.

Speaker 2:

Paul was very thankful that Christ, you know, blinded him on that day.

Speaker 1:

Well, he was thankful to be alive. I mean, dude, he said, you know, blinded them on that day. Well, he was thankful to be alive. I mean, dude, he said, you know, I've worked hard. It's in 2 Corinthians 11, 23 through 28,. Tells you some of the things he went through. Now he tells you the King James Version. The version I wrote down was the English version.

Speaker 1:

I left the these and the thus and the thous out, but he was like I've been in prison, you know, I was flogged severely. You know he said he had the 40 plus the 40 minus one is how he put it. He said he's received those 40 lashes minus one. He's been beaten, he's been stoned, he was lost at sea. He spent I don't know how long and lost at sea. I mean he just went on and on the whole, I just urge you to go read it. But this is the man who says we need to be thankful every day. I mean, you know, he says, I've told. He said I've been naked, I've been hungry, I've thirsted, but he still says, you know, be thankful. And we should, Right, we?

Speaker 1:

should, we should be thankful and we should Right, we should, we should always be thankful. I mean it's hard, I know, to be thankful when you've lost loved ones or you know you've maybe lost your job or maybe your health is threatened. It's understandable that it's hard to be thankful.

Speaker 2:

It can be yes.

Speaker 1:

But you know, but the Lord said all we had to do was be thankful.

Speaker 2:

That's our flesh. And if we deny our flesh and be thankful and the Lord knows, I think the more we deny our flesh, the easier it is to be thankful, because my mom's passed away, my grandmother's passed away, but I am so thankful that they're not here, enduring this awful world that we live in today.

Speaker 1:

Right, you know, the bible talks about how we should never forget to to thank god and god alone. He's a source of all that we have, of all that we are and all we're ever going to have. He's the source right, and we should. We should thank him daily, not only. But you know, brother, not only do we need to thank god we have. When was the last time we ever thought thank people around us? Like you know, after I read some of the stuff on my notes here, uh, I I'm like wow, when was the last time anybody ever thanked the garbage man for their what they do? Or when do we ever thank the people in our grocery stores? Or even thank your kids or your spouses? When do we ever sit down and take the time out to actually say thank you for being here, for being in my life and being a blessing to me, and even the people in the grocery store thank you for the things that you've done and doing the job you've done. You made it so much easier on everybody.

Speaker 2:

I think if we can't say thank you, you know, in a verbal, we can do thank you in our actions, because there is a lot of times our actions do speak louder, you know, than our words. You know, just being kind, right, Polite, you know, is thankful, you know.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, well, right, well. We're called to be generous with our thanks and we need to give of ourselves kindness, thought and compassion. That is, all traits of Jesus.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's all of his traits and we need to offer those to other people. We really do. I mean, when was the last time we thought thank God for our electricity and all this stuff? I just don't get it. Sometimes, you know, we um, we take advantage.

Speaker 1:

I think sometimes of of the things that god's love, and some of the things that he does for us I know I have um, and that's a danger in christianity is taking advantage of everything I I mean, you know, look at it, man. If the stars only came out once a year, we would flock out and sleep up under the sky just to see them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, so we take advantage of them being there. You know, we know they're there, yeah, but when do we ever walk outside and look up and just thank God for them stars?

Speaker 2:

That's funny. You said that we don't do that, you know. This is funny. You said that, lord, I don't know, I take my dog out before we go to bed and I take that time just to kind of look up to the stars. And I said thank you, lord, for letting me see your creation one more time. Right, I've been trying to make that a habit. You know a good habit.

Speaker 1:

And those beautiful stars that he put up. They're named, Every one of them. I think they all got names. We take advantage of them. Like I said, we don't look up to see that they're there. Now, if they weren't there, and only there once a year, we'd all flock. Like I said, we'd flock outside. But we get so accustomed to the things that he does for us that we don't think about saying thank you for it. Ephesians 5 and 20 says Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. And the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. You know, it's just I just cannot help but say it over and over and over that we should put there should be more than one day a year set aside to be thankful. You know there should be more than one day.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know the Lord tells us to take His. You know the Lord's Supper often. Why not give thanks often?

Speaker 1:

Right, see, I do communion every Sunday, every Sunday morning, lord's willing, I try. I used to do it daily, then I kind of went down to every other day, and now I'm actually, you know if I'm going to do something special like a fast or something, or I actually do Advent and I've got all my candles if ready for that, and so you know, stuff like that I'll do it a little bit more frequent but I don't go that extreme.

Speaker 2:

I just take the. I just I take the lord's supper and just do you thank him. Yeah, because I get into the religious part of it. I get, I get, I get wacky right, right.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I I found a story, man, and uh, it's in second chronicles 20 and it's about god's people, judah, and this is this is the bible. They were about to go into this big, heavy war with some big, strong enemies. And then you probably know I'm talking about. And so king jehoshaphat, he's like you know, we're going to overcome this battle. He said we're going to overcome this battle. And he said we're going to overcome this battle. And so he made a battle plan. All right, and if you read that 2 Chronicles 20, if you read that chapter, you know what his battle plan was. His battle plan the first thing on his battle plan was he was a faithful prayer. So he said we're going to pray, so he goes to the Lord in prayer. And then his second thing for his battle plan was after praying, he decides that they were going to worship. So Jehoshaphat got down on his face. The Bible says he got down on his face on the ground worshiping the Lord, and all of Judah and Jerusalem with him. They all got down and worshiped the Lord and when they finished worshiping the Lord, they thanked the Lord. And this is all in there.

Speaker 1:

It's a little bit longer story and he said in 2 Chronicles 20, verse 21,. He said we're going to believe God for a victory that we haven't seen yet. And you know what people. I'm not going to get into the whole story, but God promised them this land. They didn't even have to fight for it and they ended up. They believed that God was going to they were going to overcome. They were going to overcome this battle. They believed the Lord and they did. I mean, they gave him thanks before the battle started. And so not only did they get the land, but they got equipment and clothing and all kinds of articles of value. You know, there was so much stuff they couldn't hardly carry. It took them three days, according to Chronicles. It took them three days to get it all together and carry it away. So that's how abundantly they got blessed and they gave thanks to God for a blessing that they hadn't even received yet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And that should be our battle plan, that should be every one of our battle plans Thanksgiving to God before our battles even begin. You know, and it might be tough, but I mean it's something we should just think about. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Well, whoever suffers with them will reign with them. So, you know, if we can just endure, you know, and give thanks to the Lord for all things, be good or bad, I'm thankful for, you know, that, all the trouble that's going on, because it has allowed me to open my eyes and see spiritually Right, you know, and it allows me to pray for the world in a way that I never had ever prayed for, with all the conflicts going on in the other countries. There's some major conflicts going on with about four other countries right now against each other, and then our conflict conflict, you know, going on with, you know, our political parties, you know, and then conflict with the people of our nation right, you know than each other and I thank god for showing me that.

Speaker 2:

You know um, I'm all about. You know sarcasm and you know, and good old fun hazing, and you know, and I find myself now more, instead of just downing you know, our, our political leaders and our president, the people that you know that we put in charge, instead of just downing them and calling them names and making fun of them. You know cause I don't agree with both parties. You know I don't and I'm not going to say I do but but I'm not going to sit there and I find myself now and I thank the lord for it I find I don't want to down them no more. So I find myself more lord, please guide them, that that they'll direct and, instead of oppressing the people, that they would find a way. You know the uplift of people through you, you know, and it worked for the greater of the good right but who is good?

Speaker 2:

it's god, and that's my biggest prayer now and I thank the lord for that, for allowing me to see where my faults were at through all the turmoil that's going through our nations in our world today.

Speaker 1:

I thank the lord right, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take your time. You're fine man, you're fine. That's what it's all about. Is you know, thanking the Lord? I mean, if you read the book of Daniel, you know this king in the book of Daniel sent out this decree that nobody's going to be worshipped but him. Nobody can worship and pray but him. So when Daniel, he learns of this decree, what does he do? He goes home. He goes home to his upstairs room that faced Jerusalem. And he, he learns of this decree, what does he do? He goes home. He goes home to his, his upstairs room that faced jerusalem, and he got down and he prayed and he cried out to the god and he thanked the lord and he worshiped. And when they come in the, this was heard.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure somebody went and told him or something yeah, he got told on, when the king sent his army to get daniel, he was found on his knees praying his peers told on him right and you know he didn't have a bit of worry because he knew he knew God was going to answer his prayers, because he went to the Lord and thanks.

Speaker 2:

I just read Daniel. I just got out of Daniel about a week ago. Oh yeah, I thought that was amazing. Though, you know, Lord, and I thank the Lord, I see Daniel in a light that I have never seen Daniel before, in a light that I have never seen Daniel before. Right, it's just like the Lord just opened, you know, a whole new book. You know he showed me a lot of Daniel here lately and you know and the standing up for his beliefs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he didn't falter, at all.

Speaker 2:

No, he didn't.

Speaker 1:

You know, I can't imagine standing there looking at lions coming at you, I mean well, I believe, though I believe, before he went into that den, he already knew oh yeah, but I'm not going to sit here and tell you that he wouldn't a little bit.

Speaker 2:

You know that. You know the enemy coming to him I don't even like to say the enemy's name, but I don't want to give credit to it. But it, you know, satan, I'm pretty sure him and his little minions, you know, you know, probably try to sow some seed into him. A thought, but daniel knew, before going into that den you know, that he would rise again right, yeah, right, uh.

Speaker 1:

I just I've been reading up on stuff and and I tell you, brother, I found a little small story. I've been big on these stories here lately.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know the story.

Speaker 1:

But this was a story. I found this and it had a lot to do with to me, with what we were doing here today. It was set in the late 1800s and it was. There was a man, his name was george mueller. I don't know if you've heard him or not, but he was very big on orphans and so he he opened up and he operated an orphanage around the 1800s somewhere in the late, and so at one point in time he had like a thousand orphans in his orphanage. Well, one morning it said that he got up and he went to go cook these kids breakfast. There was no food in the pantry. He goes searching. Have you heard of him?

Speaker 2:

No on this first one.

Speaker 1:

So he goes searching and there's no food in his pantry, and so he gets all these kids up and they said he gets them all up and they sit at the table. And he gets the staff that's working there and they all get up and they sit at the table. And he gets the staff that's working there and they all get up and they sit at the table and they begin, each one of them, praying and they begin thanking god for all the provisions. Now, there wasn't a bite of food in the house, right cupboards were bare. But they sat down at the table and, man, I feel the lord so strongly. They began to pray and thank God for provisions that God had gave them. For one, he gave them a roof over their heads, and so while they were sitting there praying, it said there came a knock on the door and it was the local baker, and so he told Mr Mueller. He said the Lord woke me up last night and he had me to go in and bake all this bread. And after I got it baked he told me to bring it over here today. And so this man brings all this bread in. I mean, you know blessings, right, man? So while they're sitting there and they're thanking God for the bread. Wow, thank you, lord. You know they're all praying, they're thanking God for the bread.

Speaker 1:

Somebody else comes and knocks on the door and it's the milk dude. And he was like. He tells this, mr Mueller, he's like my milk truck outside is not running, it's just all of a sudden quit right in front of their house. He said and I have so many cartons of milk in there, glass bottles of milk, and they're going to ruin, so why don't you come out here and get this milk? So see how the Lord done I? So why don't you come out here and get this milk? So see how the Lord done? I mean, these people sat down and started praying for the Lord. You know, praying and thanking the Lord for stuff that they didn't even really have. And then what did God do? And see, that's what it's all about. Man is thanking God for everything that he gives us and you know everything that he does for us. I thank him, man. I try to thank him every day, for every breath I take.

Speaker 2:

I got into prayer one day to make it quick. You know, I got into prayer and you know, and that's all I did. From the time that I started praying until the time that I ended, my prayer was nothing but giving thanks to God. I'm going to be honest this is probably the best prayer I've ever had.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's all we can do. I mean, you know, I thank the Lord and I tell the Lord, I thank you for the roof over my head and the food on my table, each and every blessing. You know, I read somewhere or heard something that there was a question and it asked and it said would you be okay, when you woke up in the morning if you had everything that you thank God for the night before? Would you be okay? Intentment, you know, yeah, would you be okay If you thank God for everything that the night before, whatever you thanked him for, and you had everything that you needed the next day? Would you be okay? Because I try to thank him for the roof over my head, food on my table, my vehicle, I mean the very breath that I breathe, and I try to do this daily, you know, and sometimes it's hard, sometimes we tend to forget.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know our health and, like you said, and just everyday life and problems that we deal with and sometimes it's hard, but I think we prevail. The more that we do it Right, the more we're thankful, the more we prevail.

Speaker 1:

Right right.

Speaker 2:

I hear people say I want to black the devil's eye by prevailing and thanking God you are blacking, so say you know you're hurting on the enemy.

Speaker 1:

Just talking to the Lord. Pick your Bible up.

Speaker 2:

He wants to speak to you.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of ways to black as I was. I read another little story, man, it was about this it was a medieval legend, is what it said it was. It said it was a legend and it said that there was two angels sent. The Lord sent two angels. He sent one angel to go and gather all the petitions, where people's asking for things right, and this other angel he sent in another direction to gather up all the thankfuls, all the thankings, all the people that said thank you, lord. And the legend goes that the angel that came back with all the petitions couldn't hardly even carry them, but it said, the angel that came back to the Lord. Now, this is not Bible, it's just a story that I read. It said it was a legend, but it said all the angel that came back with all the thanksgivings but had just barely had some in their hands and right. And I got to thinking, wow, man, that that says that's a legend. But you know what?

Speaker 2:

uh, wow you know what the lord just told me is that really a legend?

Speaker 1:

sometimes I think it's a reality that's true too.

Speaker 2:

You know what the Lord just told me. I had my book club and we got online last night and we're talking about worship and as I was talking to them about worship and I was talking to me, the Lord had dropped in my spirit. He bottles up our tears. Can you imagine he bottles up our worship? Can you imagine he bottles up our thanksgiving?

Speaker 2:

Right our worship. But can you imagine he bottles up our thanksgiving, right it just as I? You was talking, I heard the lord had said you know, I bottle up your thanksgiving, just as I bottle up your tears, wow wow, I just, I, just, you know I, I thank the lord, I do I do too, and I, you know, he, he's done so much.

Speaker 1:

I mean he brought me from from sin and I mean I was well on the road to hell, and and that alone is is, you know, is worth just thanking every day, or thank you for salvation and saving my soul he inhabits the praises of his people.

Speaker 2:

And when we praise god, are we not giving thanks, right the higher power, to God himself and to Christ?

Speaker 1:

Right, I tell you, brother, in Luke 17, there was a little old story, and then I'm going to quit with my stories.

Speaker 1:

In Luke 17, there is a story it's a story in the life of Jesus that it's about some men that had a problem with being thankful, and it's about Jesus how he healed and cleansed 10 men of that dreaded, dreaded, awful disease, leprosy. So Luke 17 tells us that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem and he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee, and it says that once he entered a certain village, he met 10 men that were lepers, and they stood off to the side. Now, of course, leprosy, we know, is a really horrible skin disease and it eats at your skin and all this, and so no doctors in that time could cure it, of course. And they were cast off, they were made to stay in their own spots and of course there's the pain of leprosy. But the biggest pain, on that too, is you're cast off from your family, you can't stay with your family, you can't be with your friends and your daughters and sons and your wives, and so all these 10 men were cast off to the side.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, and so they were separated from everybody in the village. I think there was even leper colonies or something back then maybe, but anyway, so these men are there and Luke 17 tells us when they lifted up their voices and they said Jesus. They said Jesus, master, you know, have mercy on us. And he told them go, present yourself to the priest and you'll be cleansed. Well, they all went toward the priest and you know what? One came back when he noticed they were cleansed. One came back. Where was the other nine? And they were so busy with their blessing that they didn't stop to think that, wow, let's go thank this man. And that sometimes reminds us of us. We get so busy, caught up in our blessings, man, that we're like these other lepers. We don't stop to think, wow, we need to thank god for saving us. And and you know what I'm saying, just I, just you know.

Speaker 1:

I just want everybody to have a happy thanksgiving man and man and you know, enjoy the fun with your families and enjoy, you know, be safe if you're traveling and enjoy the fun and the times with your family, but you know what people. Take time out and give God a minute of your day and tell Him thank you for everything. Thank you for saving my soul, thank you for the roof over my head, the food on my table, my vehicle for salvation, for saving my soul and getting me up every morning, and my kids. You know what.

Speaker 1:

Give God thanks for once in your day tomorrow right take the time out, man, to to thank the lord for everything. So, right now. So, man, you got anything that you want to add this just in psalms 100.

Speaker 2:

And you know the lord says in verse 4 enter into his gates with thanksgiving and to the courts with praise. Amen.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And be thankful unto him and bless his name, right? I mean, that's what God wants us to do. That's how we talk to God. That's all he wants.

Speaker 1:

He's quick to answer our prayers. We should be quick, right, we should be quick, and you know people everybody and you know people everybody. Like I said, have a, have a safe holiday tomorrow and, like I said, don't forget, please take time out of your day and thank god, thank god for the people around you, thank the people around you, give, give a little bit of that generosity to other people.

Speaker 2:

Hey, thank you, you know, for the, for the food and cooking in, and I, I know myself, though I I've not had a lot my whole life, I try to be thankful and be you know for the food and cooking it. I know myself, though I've not had a lot my whole life, I try to be thankful and be, you know, generous to people that have less than I do. Right, even though I don't have it, I know the Lord said he'll supply all of my needs to his riches and to his glory, and I'm not working for the greater good here on the world.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, the world ain't got nothing for me. I mean, my greater good's going to be up in heaven.

Speaker 1:

Amen brother.

Speaker 2:

Amen. I mean, it's just if I have it to give, and then I'll give it. If I don't, then I've got prayer. That's it. That's it. That's probably better than anything. Gold or silver, can you know, buy us, as you know, biases. You know I'll say I pray Right.

Speaker 1:

Right. Well, everybody have, like I said, a safe and good Thanksgiving. Yeah, everybody be safe, I hope. I hope this has blessed everybody. Let's, let's all say a prayer, man, let's our Lord, our father. We thank you, lord, for every blessing that. We thank you, lord, that we are coming on Another year, that we can be thanks, but we need to see that we need to be thanks Every day. We need to be thankful Every day to you for everything you've given us. We ask you to give us that thankful heart, give that thankfulness in our heart. Let us be able to Put it out there to other people. Lord up above, we thank you for everything. We praise you, we honor you, we love you. Today, lord, we ask you to forgive us for all of our sins, go with us and lead us and guide us, for we ask these and all things. In Jesus' holy name, we pray.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

God bless everybody. We thank you for listening to Bible Talk with Sister Deb Osborne. If you'd like to email her, you can email her at osbornedebrakaygmailcom. All shows are recorded live no post editing recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information for all your studio needs, you can email at hor421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Again, thank you for listening to Bible Talk and if you guys like to support the ministry, support it through PayPal, slash H-O-R-421, or you can go to H-O-R-421showbuzzsproutcom. Bye.

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