(Hand Of Refuge Ministry.) Hello, my name is James Keith (JD) This podcast is part of my ministry. God says to take the gospel to the highways and hedges compel lost. We all come from different walks of lives, but one thing we all have in common is we have a testimony to share. In this podcast I want share Gods testimonies, the word of God, all his goodness.
421 show: Host Jd. Bible Talk: Host Deb Osborne.
Cawood Church Of God.
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Host: James Keith hor421ministry@gmail.com. Facebook
Transform your spiritual journey with insights from the miraculous story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. What can we learn from the obedient servants who played a crucial role in this transformation? Join Sister Deb Osborne as she unpacks the profound themes of faith, obedience, and divine intervention. Discover how filling your "water pots" with faith and action can set the stage for God's extraordinary blessings in your life. This episode promises to inspire you to actively participate in your spiritual renewal, drawing on the power of preparation and expectation in your walk with faith.
Explore the rich symbolism and powerful narratives that illustrate how miracles unfold when we commit ourselves fully. By examining the parallels between the Cana wedding and the story of the widow in 2 Kings 4, Sister Deb highlights the importance of being 'filled to the brim' with belief and spiritual practices like prayer. This conversation challenges us to pour our spiritual abundance into our communities, demonstrating how faith and action can lead to profound personal and communal transformations. Tune in to be inspired to act with conviction and dedication as you journey through your own path of faith.
Hey, you're listening to Bible Talk with Sister Deb Osborne. You can listen to her show on WIC 88.1 Christian Radio Station every Sunday at 5 pm. You can also listen to her show and much more on the 421 Show podcast. You can listen to that on Google, apple and Spotify or whatever platform you choose to listen to. If you want to email Sister Deb, you can email her at osbornedebrakay at gmailcom. If you want to email Sister Deb, you can email her at OsborneDebraK at gmailcom. If you'd like to support the show, you can support it through PayPal slash H-O-R-421. Or you go to our website at H-O-R-421showbuzzsproutcom. All shows are recorded live, no post editing, recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information for all your studio needs, you can email at hor421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Now we give you your host, sister Deb.
Speaker 2:
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, welcome to Bible Talk. So the message for today is in John 2, verse 7. I'm not going to go over the whole chapter. Actually, there's only one verse in there that I'm concentrating on right now. Of course, this message. Of course you know the the story.
Speaker 2:
It's a really neat little story too. It begins when Jesus and his disciples, of course, were attending a wedding in Canaan and they ended up running out of out of wine. And you know they ran out of wine and this, of course, this could have been a long-lasting social disgrace for the, the young couple, you know. But Mary, you know the mother of Jesus, you know. The mother of Jesus informs him of the situation and Jesus, although seems reluctant at first, but you know to perform, you know what she'd asked him to do. She didn't really ask him, she just told him. You know they'd ran out of wine. But she ends up telling the servants just do whatever Jesus tells them to do.
Speaker 2:
And this is my verse today John 2, verse 7. Jesus said unto them Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them to the brim. I love that verse and you know these instructions that Jesus gave on the servants to fill the pots with water and they did. They filled it to the brim, and this simple action of course sets the stage for the miracle, you know, of turning the water into wine, which of course you know demonstrates Jesus' divine power and authority. Right, but you sit back and if you read the whole chapter and I really hope you go read it, it's a really good little story. It's not very long, it's a really good little story. It's not very long, it's only 25 verses. But there's quite a few different themes that people could go in either direction with the message out of this one chapter, like the water pots filled to the brim, that could reflect on the fullness and abundance of God's blessings. Or a pertinent part of this would be, of course, the power and authority of Jesus. The obedience and faith could be one of them.
Speaker 2:
The servants being obedient to Jesus' instructions despite the task of filling the pots and I really want to concentrate on that for just a second, a few minutes, I mean, because you know they didn't these servants, their willingness to obey without even knowing or understanding the significance of what they were doing, shows the kind of faith and obedience, people, that is required as believers. See, they didn't have a water spout outside on their house like we have today. They had a town well. I'm sure, if you think about it, they had a big town well and I think everybody's probably like an episode of Gunsmoke. I've seen Dodge City have one well, right in the middle of town and everybody used out of it and I believe if we go back and think research and stuff, we probably find it. They had one big well, so these guys had to. It wasn't going to be an easy task for them to fill the pots, you know. But—and like I said, they obeyed without even understanding, of even knowing the significance. But see, this shows that God, you know— this shows that God works through ordinary actions to bring about extraordinary results.
Speaker 2:
The symbolism of the water pots themselves is a symbolism of purification and ritual cleaning. In the Jewish traditions, these six stone water pots jars could hold probably 20 to 30 gallons apiece and of course they would have been located away off from the main festivities. And of course they would have been located away off from the main festivities. They would have been used for the Jewish custom of water purification because they would have washed before and after meals, of course. But the transformation of the water to wine is a symbol of the renewal that Jesus brings by, like I said, turning something ordinary into something extraordinary. And so the story and the verse also serve as identifying Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. By his miracle, of course, you know, he demonstrates his power and authority. But that just sets the stage, of course, for the future miracles that he was going to perform. But when we see that John 2, chapter 2, verse 7, in the King James Version, it holds deeper meaning than the big content of the whole story, than just Jesus turning water into wine. It shows obedience, it shows faith, it shows abundance and, of course, it shows God's provision.
Speaker 2:
But I'm going to go another direction with this today. I'm going to put my view on it. So see, friends, we want the wine to appear from the water. We want the miracle of transformation. But what happened?
Speaker 2:
God tells us that we need to fill the pots first. He wants us to participate in our transformation. It's not going to happen overnight. We have to fill our pots first, people. We have to fill the water pots of our life in anticipation of what God will do. We can't be lazy and just sit back and wait on God to fill our pots. He will, but that's not what he wants to do. We have to participate in filling on our own pots. You see, friends, we all all the water pots of our lives. You know, when we fill those water pots, that's a sign of our obedience. And you know, a sign of our obedience to God and that's showing our trust in Him. He wants us to fill our own pots of life in anticipation of what he's going to do. And we need to continue in obedience, filling our water pots with statements of faith, spreading of God's Word, love, prayer and, of course, patience.
Speaker 2:
All of these things that we take out here to the world and we show the world and we show our neighbors and we show the people around us. That's filling our pots. That's filling our pots. That's statements of faith. And this is how our waters turn into wine and people, not just any wine, but the best wine that's ever made. I mean, they didn't even know how good the wine was until the governor tasted it.
Speaker 2:
But see, the thing about it is people, the best didn't show up until the servants started working. We, as servants of God, we have to do our part. We have to fill our pots up. You see, when we fill our pots, we put some work into it. When we start filling our own pots and we put some work into it, then when Jesus Christ puts his hands in on it, wow, when Jesus touches what was poured in and we can draw it out and we can share it. You know what I mean. I hope you guys are getting the significance of what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:
And you know, remember, the first transformation action is to fill your pots first and fill them to the brim, people, and we start with the Word. We have to fill ourselves with the Word of God to the brim and the Word will transform us. I mean, why do you think Jesus told the crippled man to go wash in the pool of Siloam? He wanted him to work a little bit, show his faith. He expects us to go out on our faith and to participate in our own transformation. Why did he tell Naaman to go dip seven times in the Jordan River? I mean, everybody had to work a little bit. He just doesn't want us to sit around and wait and be lazy.
Speaker 2:
And you see, god transforms things. He's in the transformation business. Look, he took a childless old man and woman and made them parents to the nation of Israel. He took a little spoiled boy and made him prime minister of Egypt. He took a shepherd boy and made him king of Israel. He made fishermen into fishers of men. See, people, how God transformed each and every one of these people. But see, they all had to do a little bit of work as well. They didn't just wake up one morning, transformed.
Speaker 2:
And, people, we have to do what we can do and trust that God will do the rest, that Jesus Christ will do the rest. When we fill the pots with water, we can fill our pots with water. We can fill our pots with the Word, we can fill our pots with prayer. We can't do the transformation, we can't make the wine, we can't do the miracle, but we are invited to draw the water and we, as servants, we fill our pots and we need to fill them to the brim, people, and then we need to let Jesus do the rest.
Speaker 2:
See, friends, christ, he just isn't in the transformation of water business. He's in the transformation of souls. He can take the ordinary lives and make them extraordinary by giving us eternal life. He changes a hopeless person into a hopeful person. He can change a fearful person into a courageous person and he's still working on me with that one. He changes a doubtful person into a person who believes, a person who believes that through faith, that he can do all things, through Christ, who gives him strength. He takes folks who've been wandering in the wilderness for years and he gives them a destination. God is in the transformation business and God wants to transform. He wants us to be transformed into something wonderful, something special, beautiful and amazing that reflects His being.
Speaker 2:
But we have to fill our own pots. We have to fill our pots up to the brim. People, my friends, fill them up to the brim. He don't want half full, he wants it to the brim. Jesus doesn't want half full. He said if you are lukewarm, he'll spew you out of his mouth.
Speaker 2:
Notice, people, the miracle didn't happen until the pots were filled to the brim. See, god really didn't need the water. He really didn't. But you know, sometimes he often chooses to make us take action on our faith to receive his blessing. He expects us to exercise our faith. I mean, look how Jesus made the water. He made the empty water jars and how, when they needed wine, he didn't have to have it. He made a way. He's not limited to what we have. Jesus blesses people through our efforts. He could have spoken the water into existence, really, you know what I mean. I mean he didn't have to worry with the pots or the water, but he wanted to see people's faith, just like the servants.
Speaker 2:
People, you need to feel your pots to the brim. Leave no room for the enemy. They can't be half full. When you leave something half full, what happens? You leave room. You leave room for outside stuff, you leave room for worldly stuff, and we don't need to do that. You need to fill your pots to the brim and then wait on word from God. You know, and Jesus will work his blessings. He works his blessings through his commands, you know. I mean, look when he told his disciples to go teach, preach and baptize with all authority and he said, and I'll be with you always Matthew 28, 19 and 20, the lame man was healed because he obeyed. The blind man was healed because he obeyed. When he gives us commands, he wants us to move a little bit people. He said believe on the Lord and you shall be saved. Believe, he said confess with your mouth and you'll be saved. Confess, he said believe in your heart that he was raised. I mean that's all command words. I know that probably don't sound right in English, but that's all command words that he wants us to do.
Speaker 2:
On our part, friends, we have to do our part. I over, we need to fill ourselves up. We are his vessels and we need to start with the word and we need to fill ourselves up with the water of his word. You know, we need to pray until we are filled to the brim and then we need to trust Jesus to turn it into wine, because only when we're filled up to the brim will we be blessed. Only when we fill up to the brim with prayer will others be blessed. You know, I mean you know sometimes.
Speaker 2:
I know sometimes God may tell us to do things and we may not understand why. Just like the servants didn't ask, they probably had questions, but they needed wine, and that was. They were just told to fill the jars. And that's exactly what being a servant means. We don't have a choice. We have to do what we're told. And so when God tells us and gives us a command to do something, he wants us to move a little bit and help out the situation. We need to get up and we need to listen to His voice and we need to move a little bit when he gives us a task. Sometimes we may think it's tough to do, but mainly I think that's just to get our attention and draw us closer to Him and the servants. If you read that, they're a great example of obeying God and giving Him our best Friends.
Speaker 2:
You need to fill your pots to the brim. You need to fill them and today, you know, I'm just asking you, please be filled to the brim with the Word and prayer. You need to do whatever you can do, whenever you can do it, wherever you can do it, and to pour back in to others, to pour it back out to others. Lives depend on it. People Fill your pots to the brim. The season of half-filled pots is over. The season of doing less is over.
Speaker 2:
Friends, fill your pots to the brim. Fill your pots to the brim, overflow them. If you have to, you can go above and beyond, go to beyond your wildest extent. If it's believe, friends, believe, believe on Him with all your might, trust Him with all your heart. If it's preach, hey, preach in season and out of season. Preach the gospel anywhere and everywhere you know. Fill it to the brim. Pray, pray, mightily, pray like you've never prayed before. Fill it to the brim and then draw out of it, draw out of it, draw it out, splash it on people, splash a little bit on everybody you know. Draw out of it for you and for your friends and for your family. I mean, he just wants you to obey and listen and feel it to the brim with everything he says people, everything he says, to do do it For your sake, for your family's sake, for everybody's sake. Listen to the commands and take part in the transformation going on around you. And I'm going to close with this little story.
Speaker 2:
In the book of 2 Kings 4, there's a story about a little widow woman. She had two sons. Her husband had died and left her in a deep dead and this is a really good little story and she was at the end of her rope. She didn't know what to do. You know she was crying out to the Lord, so she feared she was going to have to sell her sons into slavery to pay off her debt. And I'm imagining that this must have happened a lot in her village, I don't know. So she decided to go visit a man that had worked with her husband seeking help, thinking maybe if she explained what was going on maybe he could help her a little bit. So she goes to this man and she explains her situation to him and he asked her one little odd question. He asked her he said what do you have left in your house?
Speaker 2:
2 Kings 4, verse 2 says the lady said Nothing in the house but a jar of oil. So the man told her, he said Go home. And of course I'm paraphrasing, you have to go read it. But the man told her to go home. Go to all your neighbors and borrow all the empty jars that they can spare. Borrow as many empty jars as you can get right. So he told her. He said Bring all those jars, all those empty jars into your house. And he told her, he said fill each jar from your jar of oil until all the jars are full. And that's what he told her to do. So she had to work a little bit, she had to do a little bit of walking and a little bit of asking and borrowing, but she did, you know, fill her jars with one jar of oil until they're full. And the man told her he said then you'll be able to sell these jars of oil to pay off your debts and then you'll have money to live on and people.
Speaker 2:
In this story in 2 Kings 4, the man that advised this lady was the prophet Elisha. And look what God did through the prophet Elisha. Look what the lady did. Friends, god's in the filling business and he wants to fill us up. He made us for filling, just like the jars, and he fills us. He fills us up every single day.
Speaker 2:
But, friends, we have to fill our pots with the Word of God. We have to fill our pots first. We have to move a little bit. We have to get up, show some faith, move a little bit, listen to His commands, fill our pots with the Word of God and with prayer and you know what he will do the rest. He will do the rest. I really hope that this has helped somebody today. I hope it's blessed you as much as it has blessed me to bring it to you. Feel free to welcome me next week on Bible Talk with Sister Deb. If you want to get a hold of me for prayer, for anything, anything you need to talk about any prayer request, just call me on my cell phone at 606-909-0256. My email is osborne-debra-kate at gmocom, feel free to call me, contact me, whatever, everybody, have a really blessed week and thank you for listening hey, he was listening to bible talk with sister deb.
Speaker 1:
If you guys like to email her, you can email her at iceberg and deborah k at gmailcom. If you guys like to support the show, you can support it through paypalOR421 or HOR421showbuzzsproutcom. You can find our show every Sunday at 5 pm on WIC 88.1 Christian Radio Station. You can also find our show on the 421 Podcast on Google, apple and Spotify. We'll see you next time, 849-1502. Thank you.