421 Show

Bible Talk Sister Deb. The Untold Hardships of the Nativity Story

Host: JD. Episode 113

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I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.

Speaker 1:

hey, you're listening to bible talk with sister deb osborne. You can listen to her show and much more on 421 podcast. You can also catch her show on WIC 88.1 Christian Radio Station every Sunday at 5 pm. If you'd like to email Sister Dave, you can email her at osbrendeverk at gmailcom. That's O-S-B-O-R-N-E-B-E-B-R-A-K at gmailcom. If you'd like to support the show, you can support it through PayPal at slash, h-o-r-421 or H-O-R-421showbuzzsproutcom. All shows are recorded live, no post editing recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information for all of your studio needs, you can email at H-O at hor421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Now we give you your host, sister Deb.

Speaker 2:

Praise the Lord, Hi brother.

Speaker 1:

Hey, it's good to be with you. Merry Christmas, merry.

Speaker 2:

Christmas to you. I'm glad you're here. Yes, it's good to be with you. Merry Christmas. Christmas to you, I'm glad you're here.

Speaker 1:

Yes, me too.

Speaker 2:

Glad you're here. The Christmas, most wonderful time of the year, is upon us.

Speaker 1:

So what do you? Got lined out for us Well.

Speaker 2:

I was just thinking about Luke 2. Like I said, the Christmas story and the most wonderful time of the year is up on us. Anyway, I got to thinking about Luke 2. And you know we are told the Christmas story. I mean all of our lives, ever since we were kids. If you've had anything at all to do with if church was any kind of part of your life I know you heard it once a year in church. If church was any kind of part of your life, I know you heard it once a year in church.

Speaker 1:

And if church wasn't a part of your life. I'm sure you heard it. On Charlie Brown, I definitely that's where I heard. If I got anything of the Bible was from my grandmother and Charlie Brown. Right right, right. And you know the Christmas classics, you know.

Speaker 2:

Right, right. And so I was just thinking about the story of Jesus. You know, the Christmas classics, you know, right, right. And so I was just thinking about the story of Jesus, you know, and Mary, you know, wrapped him in swollen clothes and laid him in a manger and all this, you know, that's an awesome story, it's a wonderful story. I love that story and it would never, ever, ever in this world or the world to come, ever to take anything away from that story, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But you know, brother, there's a side of that story that we weren't told, you know.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, if you sit and you look at it and you read the story, you know you can tell that?

Speaker 1:

Are you talking about filling in the blanks of the story?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean. The Bible tells us the awesome story. It's an awesome story and love it, you know, but there's behind the scenes things that happened that we were never told about. That we can really only guess oh yeah, definitely the hardships and I mean they were, they were poor people right you know they were struggling paying taxes yeah, like me, yeah, me too yeah and uh, you know.

Speaker 2:

And then there was the power hungry guy that sent out the decree about, you know, killing all these babies just trying to make his own self look good, saving his own hide. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

There's a real fear and you know that. You know Joseph and Mary probably, you know, had it fearful, but you know they also had that fear of the Lord too in them.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know that everything's going to be okay, right right and I can imagine if you sit back and you read the story and you look at the things and you thought, wow, now look at Mary. Right, you know we see her the mother of Jesus. You know she wasn't a rich person, she was poor you person. She was poor, she was young. There was already going to be controversy among the Jewish nation anyway because of her being pregnant. She had just gotten married or just gotten with her, who was going to be her husband. I don't know exactly how they'd done marriages and stuff at that time.

Speaker 1:

Most marriages back then were arranged right. Right, you know it was. You know, here I trade you two goats and a pig. We're not a pig, they're jewish, but you know, you get what I'm saying I understand what you're saying, where you're coming from on it.

Speaker 2:

I mean because it.

Speaker 2:

it's just the way the culture that, that was the culture you know, know, right right, but you know, if you think about the baby Jesus and being the way he was born and stuff, and all the stuff that happened around that night, it wasn't a very pretty story. I mean, you know, the Bible writers gave us, like I said, one part of it. But you know, if you look at Mary, okay, so let's look at Mary. She had to travel from what? From Nazareth to Bethlehem and if I'm not mistaken, I read somewhere that that was like 80 to 85 miles.

Speaker 1:

No doubt.

Speaker 2:

So she had to travel, and probably more than likely as quick as the Bible says. She had the baby when she got there. She's already in labor, had to be, so she had to ride these 80-something miles on a donkey at that.

Speaker 1:

Eating dust Right Bugs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. Not very clean at all do you remember the story when, when the lord has spoke to the disciples and he said saul doesn't even have it as good as you, mary. We've got it better than mary I can, imagine. I mean if you really think about it. We've got it way better than the apostles that had it right and we got it 10 times better than saul has got it. So you're, why do we complain?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's the truth.

Speaker 2:

Right, but I was sitting back and I was reading this story and I'm like you know, I'm sure Mary's probably scared to death.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know she left. For one thing, I was wondering why Mary even climbed on the donkey and went in the first place. I don't think there was a decree or anything saying she had to go. A husband and wife had to go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, God told them to.

Speaker 2:

Both of them together.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I meant they was married so she had to. By marriage law man being over the head of the house, she had to go Right and two it was forewarned to them to go.

Speaker 2:

Right Huh, them to go right huh. But you know why. Uh, you know she had to be in labor already. So she, you know she left her mom and her family and what few friends that I'm sure she had there still, and you know the controversy that was going to happen. I'm sure that people talked about and you know the stuff that was going on amongst the jewish nation. I can imagine what she has heard whispers and stuff behind her back.

Speaker 1:

I know when God chooses us to do things, for instance, like with this. I've noticed my ministry, though. I have a lot of people around me, but it's a lonely ministry.

Speaker 2:

Right, you get what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I've noticed that, just not with you know myself, but I, you know, trying to discern and look at other ministries and other ministers, you know there is a separation that we got to have. You know, I always wondered what that? You know what that scripture said. Lord says, you know, let the dead bury the dead. You know we had, you know, and it and it's this, is it, though. This is your walk with God, it's your personal walk with God.

Speaker 1:

Mary had to endure all of that, and I don't believe with one bit that God would have put her in that position, that she could not handle that, nor Joseph, because, see, god knew Joseph's heart. So if Joseph was to put away mary, that he had all biblical right by, uh, by law, by law of moses and you know just, law of the land, he had all biblical right to put, you know, stoner to death, whatever he wanted to do, and you know, and he had chose so, and he did it alone. Well, they're one wife, they're a man and woman, so they're one flesh. They did it together because they're as one Right, and I believe Mary, and I believe, though, she had a lot of, I don't think there was doubt with Mary. I believe, though, there was probably a lot of what ifs this, like he was talking about, you know well, that's, that's what I'm saying and that's basically what I'm, what I'm going through right now.

Speaker 2:

What, if you know? What? Like when you know, when they get to to bethlehem there's nowhere for them to go.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's done, got all the rooms and all the I'm pretty sure either mary or joseph was a worry word probably one of the two had to be probably. So, yeah, probably or both this is because you look at our lives today, all we are is just a mirror of them, you know, and there was a mirror of the older church and the older church of adam and eve. All we do is mirror. You know the old saying we repeat history right well, we repeat sin, we repeat human characteristics Right.

Speaker 2:

It's just like I was just thinking, wow, you know what. So they go to this little town of Bethlehem. She probably knows nobody there, neither one of them did actually. And so she has this baby and the Bible says she wrapped him in swaddling clothes. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, so that lets you know. Right there, she had no midwife. Her mother was there. There was nobody else there but Joseph, right? So she wrapped him in swaddling clothes. And then I thought, well, now, swaddling clothes and you know, brother, they still swaddle kids today.

Speaker 1:

But I was thinking Instead of swaddling, I think they need to swat some of them.

Speaker 2:

I believe, that yeah. I believe that too, man. But you know it was like she was alone, she was by herself. Yeah, she's in a dusty, dirty stable. She just got off the road. I'm sure she was sweaty and know, and then you know, I've never had children but I can imagine, uh, the childbirth alone right there in, uh, you know, a stable. I can imagine it.

Speaker 1:

She didn't have an epidural. So let me tell you, folks, if you're listening, we got a lot better than mary's got it right, right and but.

Speaker 2:

but you know, if you look on like people send you Christmas cards and these Christmas cards that people send you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

There's the nativity scene and so if you open it up and you look at it on the front of the page and there's Mary looking just as beautiful and not a hair out of place and cheeks rosy I can understand the rosy cheeks, but she looks like she's just stepped off a gq magazine you know they do that also with you know, um, about every biblical story that there really is, you know, and the worst one of them all is, you know, the noah's ark right yeah, I'm telling you that would I.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad he chose moses and not me all, right all right yeah noah, I'm sorry that was all you had.

Speaker 2:

He have chose me. There wouldn't have been a spider on there.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you right but I think god, I think god, god never painted mary and joseph this, you know gq magazine type style people.

Speaker 2:

But but what I'm just saying is that's the picture we're painting over and over and over all through the year.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a lot of reason. What's wrong with the church today? Well, there's a lot of wrong with the church, I mean Joseph.

Speaker 2:

If you look at him, Joseph looks just as stoic as possible. And he's standing there with his shoulders all back, proud of course, I'm sure in the picture now and then you look over here and you've got. You know, you've got the baby jesus and and and I'm gonna be honest with you man and I ain't trying to be mean, but no crying he makes, he's a baby. I just don't believe why do we paint?

Speaker 1:

why do we paint our afflictions with this beautiful persona? Why do we and there, and there's nothing wrong with it, you know, and we tried to, like you know say it's all? You know, gun drops, and rainbows, and and lilies, and and all of that and and and 95 of our walk with god is, you know, it's not on the mountain, it's in the valley, it's where all the dust settles, it's where the fog settles, it's where the water's at. You know, and it's great to be up there, you know, and it's great to you know, but why do we take our everyday lives and try to paint it? You know, a Mona Lisa, and it really it's not. It's not, I know, and I agree with you, sister, they're totally.

Speaker 2:

That's like the animals yeah. The animals look like they're ready for the county farm and the county fair or something. I mean like they're getting. You know what I'm saying? First place pig sitting over there in the stall, jesus, what do you think? But if you think about it, like okay, so like the first guys, you know the shepherds abiding in the field.

Speaker 1:

You know Jesus, wouldn't you know Jesus wasn't a fair person as far as looks go. He was a nomad for one, a lot of people. You don't hear churches talk. You know all they do is they'll picture Jesus in his house or his church and he's not a nomad and his mother was a. I mean, he was a nomad. His mother lived a nomad life with him when he, you know, did his ministry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they lived pretty much, you know, from town. His mother lived a nomad life with him when he did his ministry Right, and they lived pretty much from town to town as nomads Right. His father was a construction worker in today's terms, and he followed in Joseph's footsteps. He was a construction worker and they was contractors.

Speaker 1:

You lived job to job. We didn't have a factory factory, three rooms and two baths, you know, and a pretty little dog and a cockatoo, you know, screaming from her back porch, I mean it is. I think that stuff like that's all great to have that, but we need to get down to reality, to the you know, to the bare bones of what life truly really really is. Because I don't mean to cut you, but thinking about all the stuff that's going on today, the world's closing in, it's getting worse.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

And it's going to get rough for us Saints and I don't know how you feel about it, but it's not going to be a pretty picture.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, it's not a pretty picture. Now I don't think and see. That's what I mean. We said and we look at what Mary and Joseph went through at that time and she had the baby, and the next thing you know, the very second, the very first breath that he took, that started leading him right then and there toward his grave.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That started leading him right there toward the cross and look at the life he lived and stuff and all the things that he did. But he never promised us a bed of roses. He never said it was going to be all fun and games. And today you hear preachers and I'm not trying to down anybody but, brother you hear preachers on TV today telling people it's going to be all right.

Speaker 1:

In a sense, yes, it is, but our goal is not here on earth Right. Our goal is you know— For the afterlife, you know that's where it's going to be all right.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's what I told somebody one day. I said you know what it's not, and especially if you're not a child of God, it's not going to be all right. This world is getting crazier and crazier, and if you read the King James Version of this Bible, it'll tell you exactly what's going to happen.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so it's not going to be all right. No, we exactly what's going to happen right, and so it's not going to be all right. No, we're not, we're, we're not getting. None of us are getting out of this alive. None of us are going to get out of this alive.

Speaker 1:

I, I think that I think we're forgetting. I know, with myself, I have I. I forget, though, that's what humility is? You know it's, it's bare bones, it's down to the, to the root of it all. There's nothing pretty about it. We can find beauty in simplicity. You can find beauty in everything. So there is beauty in it, but it's not no glamorous. You know, as you would say, gq type, you know. Or five-story barn, you know, and it already shoveled, and no, there's manure on the ground. There's, you know, rats running around. You know there's a spider web in the corner, you know, it's just.

Speaker 2:

It's just, I mean, you know, I just, I just get to thinking about this loop too and all the things that that it tells us. You know, the Bible doesn't tell us everything. The Bible doesn't tell us the gory details of it all. You know, you know, it's just like.

Speaker 1:

I ask myself why didn't God go into more detail with stuff like that? I think there's a part of humanity that we had to figure things out on our own. That's what we're. You know where. We come in with free will, Right? But we shouldn't lose track of that reality, Right?

Speaker 1:

But we shouldn't lose track of that reality. Right? If you watch on social media, you know, with all those stupid filters people put on their faces, I know and I'm telling you that's just straight right out from the pits of hell, you know. And then you look at, you know the way Hollywood, you know, portrays, you know, an everyday life of a person. It's really not the home's not like Hollywood portrays it. Fighting's not like what Hollywood portrays it. We're not in an octagon, in a ring. Most people, when they go up for a fight, it's usually for the life. It's not a three, five five minute round. You're fighting for your life and that's what we're doing today. Sister, right and and awesome.

Speaker 2:

yes, I love that well, I just I was just thinking, wow, you know, there's so many behind the scene things that maybe people don't think about, and maybe I'm the crazy one for thinking about it. No, I think you are I try to look at things To me. There's two sides to stories there is and. I try to look at things in a different light. It's just like the shepherds in the field, the shepherds abiding in the field. They were the shepherds that took care of the sacrificial lambs.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure when they left for their journey, when they was told to go find Jesus, you know this baby, they was probably pristine stocked, ready to go. You know, had their rations. But the time that they got up to the end of that I'm pretty sure they was, you know, every crack in them was filled with dust and sand. I would say I mean truth to truth.

Speaker 2:

But you know, the good is when, when the angel told them this shall be a sign right you'll find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know they knew what swaddling clothes was. If anybody knew the shepherds knew right, because you know they would. Uh, that I was reading up on on the shepherds, and these shepherds would take care of, deliver and clean and feed the sacrificial lambs that were born, because that's what was used in the temple, you know, in the temple, as the offering and stuff, and so these shepherds would take care of these lambs and they would swaddle them. They would actually swaddle them with the cloth to keep them clean so they could be. You know the cloth to keep them clean, so they could be right, you know.

Speaker 2:

And so it's ironic that the angel said you know what you, this is what, this is how you're going to find him. You, you can't miss him. You can't miss him. This is what he looks like, this is what he's going to look like and this is where you're going to find him. And I thought, wow, that's awesome. And then they didn't wait, they didn't hesitate, man, they took all right, yeah, let's spread, let's go find this thing. That's been told to us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would love, I wish the Bible would probably have told a little bit more of the story of the wise men, right, you know for them to. They have an awesome story, you know. I mean we could probably sit here and probably fill in a lot of it, right, but you know the three men journey, and you know to find the king. And then when they get there, you know just to, if, if I was able to go back in time and visit you know a few point, you know parts of the bible. I think I would want to see the expressions of the wise men's face when they, when they finally seen the king and seen the expression on Mary and Joseph.

Speaker 2:

Right, and you know, man, this is not even in my notes, but one of the biggest things about Luke 2 is the story of Simeon and Anna. I just love that part of that because you know Simeon had been told he's not going to die until he sees the Messiah. And see, all the world was waiting, everybody was waiting on the Messiah, from Malachi to Matthew. I read somewhere that there was what? 400 years that God was quiet.

Speaker 2:

There was no prophesying, there was no new laws made. The world just sat back and waited on the Messiah Kind of like what we're doing now. Basically pretty much.

Speaker 1:

But what we got, though, is we got you know Christ Right, we have that direct line to God.

Speaker 2:

We have yes.

Speaker 1:

Other than that he's quiet until we come to him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, you know, I was at the nursing home, I minister at the nursing home, and you, I was at the nursing home, I minister at the nursing home, and the guy that is with us, stan, he got up and he was speaking to the elderly there, to the patients of the nursing home, and he said do you know why, when you look at that picture of Jesus standing at the door, there's not a door handle on the outside? It's because the door handle's on the inside.

Speaker 2:

It's because we've got to open that up.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even notice that man, yeah, wow, and that's what, that's what it you know, that's what all of you know. Jesus, it's just what the story of jesus is, you know, and that's the reason why he's so quiet, because we have to open, I guess, the reason why I said that we've got to open that door to jesus, be able to speak to him, to talk to him, commune with him, with them, you know.

Speaker 2:

Right, they have that Right. It's just. I love the story, I really like the story and I can hear it over and over and over. I mean it doesn't have to be Christmas to hear it, I don't think.

Speaker 1:

My favorite part of Christmas is the music.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I am a sucker for the music. I love Christmas music, I love just the complexity of music. You know all the chords and the arrangement of the chords and just the melodies. I mean just so on and so on. That's cool, it's just the sounds, it's just it's.

Speaker 2:

Christmas music is peaceful. Right, it is, yeah, but you know, brother, when baby Jesus came into the world, he wasn't an ordinary baby. He changed everything for everybody. I mean, like I said, just reading about Simeon and Anna, I mean they practically stayed at the temple waiting, and the thing about it is, and the ironic thing about them, is they knew who he was as soon as Mary and Joseph come walking up. They could have walked up probably in the midst of a hundred people and they would have knew who he was. And what Simeon did went and got him out of Mary's hands and, you know, I guess he probably throws him up in the air.

Speaker 1:

I mean he leaped in her wound, you know, and I mean it's just the Holy Spirit she was filled with. I mean, could you imagine you know just to. I would have loved to seen that you know, just to, just kind of like, you know, have a TV view of you know, you know Mary and her cousins there, you know just the Holy Spirit filling them and then the babies leaping inside them. Isn't that awesome, joyful.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. Mary knew who her son was.

Speaker 1:

She knew from the beginning.

Speaker 2:

Mary knew who her son was.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. There's a lot of times in our lives we want to follow the walk of Christ. We want to do it, but are we willing to let go and have that sincerity and have that discipline like Mary and Joseph, because they had to have that discipline to live that nomadic life Right? That is not an easy life to live. I get it. Live that nomadic life Right, that is not an easy life to live. There's a very a lot of people think that nomadic life is you know, it's free, happy care, you know sixties, you know all this it's. It's really not. You've got to get up. You got to prepare everything that day and you don't prepare no more than what you got, and that was you. More than what you got, and that was you know, I've lived a nomadic life and I know what it's like. You cannot prepare for tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

You had to prepare for that day, and that day only. You can't be wasteful. You know you had to stay hygienic. You had to stay clean Because if you skip anything, it adds up on you quick. I mean, that's just what your everyday. You know, you're betting where you're going to sleep and stay, and you see, it's a very, very disciplined life I don't think I could have did it.

Speaker 2:

I really don't think. Yeah, I mean, I mean I like, like I remember going camping and stuff and that's, you know, nomadic life.

Speaker 1:

That's part of it.

Speaker 2:

I mean I try to make the inside of my tent look like's part of it I mean I try to make the inside of my tent look like my living room right, I mean I hung lights up and everything, and so I can't imagine, I can't imagine living with everything that I own, right, just, you know, I just I just love this story, brother. I just think it's so awesome and and to think about the baby jesus and what all he done and growing up and uh, and you know, and all the miracles and all, I mean that that baby changed time. You know, we we were, we were before christ, we were bc, and then when he was born, we came to a at ad and odomini, and I think I read somewhere that that means the year of our Lord, and so he changed time around the world.

Speaker 2:

Right and that's just awesome. And you know, brother, he changed me. I can't testify enough how much he's changed me and my heart and my life, and I just praise him. I do too, I just praise him every day because and I just hope everybody out there understands and realizes exactly what a special little boy and baby and young man and man that he was.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he'll change them too, if they'll let him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If you just let him, he'll change you too, people.

Speaker 1:

I agree with you. I mean, if you're out there and you don't know Christ? This is what the whole story is about, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish. All you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord, and you shall be saved.

Speaker 2:

That is it you will be saved.

Speaker 1:

You just have to say the name of Jesus. That's it, you have to open that door because, see, the handle's not on the outside it's on the inside, right, and see, that's where God touches us.

Speaker 1:

He touches us on the inside. He changes our outer appearance. Eventually, right, you know it starts to come. But it's our inner and it's the love, and I talked about that on my show. You know what the whole Christmas thing is? It's all about love, right? It's what the whole christmas thing is. It's all about love, right. And if we forget what the true meaning of christmas is, then we've lost it, because that's the, that's the first and most commandment of above them all is love right, right, and you know people.

Speaker 2:

If you're out there and and you have given your life to the lord and things just don't seem like it's going right, you know what. Call on Him. That's all you've got to do is call on.

Speaker 1:

Him Right. Yes, call upon Him, he's right there.

Speaker 2:

He's right there and all you've got to do is call on Him. Yes, anyway, man, I think I just can't praise Him enough, and I thank Him for the ministry that he's put in my hand, and I thank Him for the ministry that he's put in my hand, and I thank him for you, and I think we should say a prayer yes, so let's close this with a prayer. Today, our Father, god in heaven, we thank you, lord, for this beautiful day that you've created. We thank you for life, we thank you for happiness, we thank you for salvation and being a part of our lives, and we thank you for just getting us off of that road, lord, to destruction. We praise you and we honor you.

Speaker 2:

Lord, I ask you to bless all the people out there today. Within my voice that's listening, bless these people and let these words go, lord, that maybe we've said something here today that will open their hearts and their minds to you, lord, and learning more about you and seeking you more. Lord, we praise you and we honor you. We thank you for that beautiful, beautiful gift of Jesus Christ. We thank him for everything he's given us, everything he's done. We praise him, we honor him. We ask him to forgive us for all of our sins. And Lord, we thank you for everything. We ask these and all things. God, in Jesus' holy, sweet name. We pray, and everybody out there. Thank you for joining us, brother. We pray.

Speaker 2:

And everybody out there. Thank you for joining us, brother thank you for being here, yes definitely Everybody. Have a very merry, merry Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Merry Christmas to all too.

Speaker 2:

Happy New Year.

Speaker 1:

Happy New Year you.

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Host: JD.