421 Show
(Hand Of Refuge Ministry.) Hello, my name is James Keith (JD) This podcast is part of my ministry. God says to take the gospel to the highways and hedges compel lost. We all come from different walks of lives, but one thing we all have in common is we have a testimony to share.
In this podcast I want share Gods testimonies, the word of God, all his goodness.
421 show: Host Jd.
Bible Talk: Host Deb Osborne.
Cawood Church Of God.
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Will feature Guest Testimony. And Gust Preachers
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This Program will feature live audio recorded Messages only from Cawood Church Of God. Sunday morning Service.
If you would like to share your testimony contact hor421ministry@gmail.com.
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24 hour prayer service, 1st Saturday of the month @ The Cawood Church of God. Harlan Ky.
For more information contact Georgina Perkins
@ https://www.facebook.com/georgina.perkins.733
Contact information:
Host: James Keith
Co Host: Debra Osborne
All show are recorded and edited @ 421 Studio. For all your studio needs contact @ hor421ministry@gmail.com 239-849-1502
421 Show
Bible Talk with Sister Deb: Healing and Hope in Jesus' Early Works
Embark on a heartfelt journey through the fast-paced and vivid narrative of the Gospel of Mark. Discover the profound impact of John the Baptist's mission, not through physical roadwork but through the spiritual preparation of people's hearts for Jesus' arrival. Join me, Sister Deb Osborne, as we explore the transformative call of Jesus, drawing parallels to the disciples' immediate and unwavering response to become fishers of men and spread the good news.
Experience the palpable urgency and dedication of Jesus' early ministry in Capernaum, where His divine authority is established through powerful acts of healing and casting out demons. Feel the compassion of Jesus as He breaks societal norms to heal a leper with a touch, showcasing His disregard for barriers between clean and unclean. Through stories of faith like the paralyzed man lowered through a roof, you will find inspiration in the incredible power of faith and Jesus' ability to forgive sins.
As we conclude, I invite you to reflect on your own spiritual journey and the call to serve Jesus in your life. Through a heartfelt prayer, we seek His guidance and blessings, encouraging listeners to rise and fight for their faith, living a life of devotion and service guided by the Word. Let this episode be a source of encouragement and strength, inspiring you to embrace the spiritual battle with faith and trust in God's plan.
I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.
Hello friends, welcome to my channel. Today we will make a very delicious and delicious vegan. Hey, you're listening to Bible Talk with Sister Deb Osborne. You can also listen to her show on WIC 88.1, christian Radio Station, every Sunday at 5 pm. You can also listen to her show, and much more, on the 421 Show podcast.
Speaker 1:You can also listen to that on Google, Apple or Spotify, whatever platform you're choosing. If you'd like to contact Sister Deb, you can email her at osbraindebrak at gmailcom. That's O-S-B-O-R-N-E-D-E-B-R-A-K at gmailcom and if you guys like to support the show, you can support it through PayPal slash H-O-R 421 or you can go through our website at H-O-R 421 show dot buzzsprout dot com. All shows are recorded live, no post editing, recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information for all of your studio needs, you can email at H-O-R 421, ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Now we give you your host, Sister Deb Osborne.
Speaker 2:Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Hello everybody, I probably sound a little bit weird. I've been having some throat issues, so if I sound weird, I apologize.
Speaker 2:Before I get started, I do want to make an announcement. The show that I'm doing tonight will be played, lord's willing, this Sunday, which will be the first Sunday in February, and for the remaining Sundays in February I am going to, with the Lord's help, I'm going to do a series on known and unknown females of the Bible. I'm looking forward to that. I think it's something that the Lord has led me to and I think it'll be really cool. So I just wanted to let you guys know that. So, not this Sunday, but the next three Sundays, the next few Sundays in February, that's what Bible Talk is going to be Unknown and unknown females of the Bible. So thank you for coming and being with us at Bible Talk. It's been a while since I've been in the studio and it feels like I haven't been here forever, but I'm just. Praise the Lord, I'm glad to be back. Praise the Lord, I'm glad to be back. So today I'm going to be talking in the first chapter of Mark.
Speaker 2:I love Mark. You know, all four Gospels tell their story and they have their own versions and I love Mark's version. You know, the Gospel of Mark reads kind of like a newspaper account of events, you know, like it just happened yesterday, and that's what I like about it. And the facts of Jesus's life start right here in this. And the gospel of Mark puts a lot of emphasis on Jesus's actions. It pictures Jesus on the move and meeting the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of people that he meets on his travels. You know, when he goes from place to place, the message is about the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This is ultimately the whole point of the whole Bible, right? It's the very first verse of Mark, chapter 1, verse 1. It says in the beginning, the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And so this is not a once upon a time fantastic, you know, fairy tale beginning. This is a beginning of the greatest story ever told people. This is the story of the greatest man who ever lived, the Son of God. And you know, mark, in his gospel he wastes no time at all telling us, you know, for whom we are, to prepare our hearts for right the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Because, yes, people, jesus, god's Son, is coming. He's not a celebrity, he's not a family member, he's not even a long-lost friend. He is the Father's Son coming to dwell and save His people and eventually, hopefully, take us all, all of his people, home, you know, to eternal life. So Mark 1 gives a full 24 hours of the account of Jesus the day in Jesus' life. So we know that what had to come first, of course, was John the Baptist. Now we know his purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus Christ, now the Messiah, and John's role was to support Jesus and promote Jesus. Of course he baptized people in the Jordan River. And when John came, when John the Baptist came onto the scene, people knew Jesus was on his way. People knew the Messiah was coming.
Speaker 2:And see a little bit of stuff about ancient times. In ancient times, when kings were wanting to go out into their kingdom or visit or whatever, they would send people ahead of them to prepare the way for their coming. This person, or this forerunner, or whatever you would call them, this person would have two primary duties One was to make sure that the roads were passable and there was not going to be no delays and make the route clear. And the second duty was to prepare and to let people know that the king's coming. He would go along the route and on the way and tell people. You know what the king's coming, y'all need to be ready. And so, when we read about John the Baptist, he fulfilled both of those duties. You know he did that. John cleared the way for the coming of the Lord by appealing directly to the people that he met and he called on him to repent. You know, because the Lord, you know the king was coming to deliver his people and God had promised this messenger. Because the Lord, you know the King was coming to deliver his people and God had promised this messenger to prepare the way, to make the roads ready and path straight.
Speaker 2:But now, you know, john the Baptist didn't. He didn't start a public works project to get the road ready for Jesus. No, he wasn't into building no roads and, you know, filling no ditches. No, john the Baptist was preparing the hearts for the coming Savior. He was baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Yeah, this odd-looking little fellow living in the desert, he made way for the Son of God, you know. And so the beginning of the good news, jesus Christ, the day in his life.
Speaker 2:So when Jesus came from his house in Nazareth to begin his ministry, he made two stops. He done two things to prepare. The first thing that he done, of course, he got baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. He got baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. The second thing that he done he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness of Judea for 40 days. And the Bible says in Mark 1, verse 10, no, no, verse 12, I'm sorry. It says and immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness. And he was there in the wilderness 40 days, tempted of Satan, and was with the wild beast and the angels ministered unto him.
Speaker 2:Now you know, people, when we hear these verses and we listen to this stuff and we read this, if we read a little bit above and a little bit below and even really pay attention to what we're reading, this tells us things. It opens up other messages to us if we open up our heart. He said the angels ministered unto him. That let me know. He wasn't by himself, he wasn't by himself in the mountains, and that lets me to believe and I know you believe that too, jesus he's not going to send you nowhere, that you're going to be by yourself. You may not see somebody physically by you, but you'll feel that spirit. He's not going to send you nowhere alone. God didn't send his son alone and he ain't going to send us alone. But that's just, just, just how you know, that's just.
Speaker 2:If you look at these verses, that's what you should get out of it, right and so so, after, after this, when Jesus found out that John the Baptist was in prison, so he came into Galilee. You know, he, he Jesus gets down to business man, he gets down to his father's business. But the first thing that he has to do, first thing is first, jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and he sees Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea because they were fishermen. And Mark 1 and 17 tells us that Jesus said come and follow me, I will make you fishers of men. Wow, Jesus of Nazareth came by people, and you know what. So Jesus recruits Simon and his brother Andrew and when he's walking down the road he finds the sons of Zebedee, which is James and John, who were? They were men in their nets. They were fishermen too. But see, these people, these guys Jesus called. He needed someone to help, you know, carry out his mission. He needed someone to learn from him, you know.
Speaker 2:And these men were at one point in time, apparently John the Baptist disciples, but they were called to be disciples of Jesus Christ. This was their call, you know. They knew, they knew Jesus. They knew Jesus. They knew his hometown was just Nazareth, a few miles away. They knew Jesus practically probably their whole lives. They had heard of the stories that they had heard about Jesus, something about how his mother was visited by an angel and the heavenly chorus announced his birth and how he was chosen of God. They had heard about him, they knew him, they'd talked to him, probably even heard him preach and teach. But see, he wasn't a stranger to them. They knew him and they followed him. And that's what the Bible tells us my sheep know my voice. And a stranger they won't follow. And they followed Jesus. They traveled with him, you know. They saw his miracles and people.
Speaker 2:That's exactly how we are today. We are called to be his disciples, you know, to help heal the sick and serve the sick people and help hurting children and proclaim the good news. We are called to proclaim the good news, you know. So Jesus calls his disciples to become fishers of men. He called these men to share the good news, to make more disciples. So Jesus calls his disciples to become fishers of men. He called these men to share the good news, to make more disciples, to help Jesus, to extend the ministry of Jesus across the globe and through the centuries. So it began. So it began.
Speaker 2:And did you notice that they had the immediate response to Jesus' call? Did they even pull their nets in? I don't believe so. They just, my friends. This is exactly how we should respond today when Jesus calls us. They didn't waste time. They ran, you know.
Speaker 2:But sometimes we don't always do that. You know, more often than not we take a very long time making this decision to follow Jesus. And now we look back on it, we could probably ask ourselves you know, why did I waste so much time not getting to know him and not following him? Why did I wait? I could ask myself that probably daily. You know, why did I wait?
Speaker 2:So we move on down into Mark, and you know Jesus was preaching that. You know, time's fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent, right and believe the gospel. And so, after Jesus calls his followers, he rolls up his sleeves and he goes right straight to work. You know, his first day he teaches in the synagogues of calpernum. The bible said and they went into calpernum and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogues and taught, taught and says and there was in their synagogue a man who was, who was with an unclean spirit and he was saying unto him he said, he said, lay this alone.
Speaker 2:What hath we to do with thee? Thou, jesus of naz, art thou come to destroy us? He said I know who thou art, the Holy One of God. The unclean spirit knew Jesus. The unclean spirit knew him and Jesus rebuked him saying hold your peace and come out of him. And he did. And the Bible says they were all amazed in, so much that they questioned among themselves saying what is this, what is this new doctrine that even the unclean spirits obey him? And the Bible goes on to tell us that immediately his fame spread all about and around Galilee and word got out very quick around Galilee, you know, and and word had got out very quick, the people you know, when he was in the synagogues and he was preaching and teaching. And you know they brought. They brought the oppressed by the devil, they brought the sick people. He heals the sick. And word got out quick by that evening the whole town had gathered at Simon and Andrew's house.
Speaker 2:You, know, and they brought all their sick people and they brought all their demonized people with them. And you know, jesus evidently worked well into the night, according to what the Word's saying. It said, even when the sun did set. They brought unto him all that were diseased. But the thing about it is, before he even did that, he healed Peter's mother-in-law. It says she had a fever and he ministered. And it said, after he healed her, she ministered unto them, wow. And it said Wow, I mean, and this is what happened next. This is what happened next. Mark 1, 35 through 39.
Speaker 2:You know, he says very early the next morning, it was still dark. And Jesus, he gets up and he leaves the house and he goes outside hunting for a solitary place to pray. And Simon and all of them went looking for him. When they found him, they told him you know, everybody's looking for you. And this is what he says. He says let us go somewhere else, to the nearby village, so that I can preach there also. All he wanted to do was to spread the news. He wanted to spread the good news, repent, the good news. You know. And this is how this is. This is he said. This is why I've came here this is the reason that I'm here.
Speaker 2:And so the Bible says they traveled throughout Galilee preaching in the synagogues and driving out demons. Wow, so his Galilean ministry had begun, his preaching tour had started and he cast out demons and he healed the sick. And wow, I mean, he ministered to the people. Jesus reached out to the outcast, the forgotten, the weak, the needy. Jesus came to Galilee preaching that the time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent. And everywhere Jesus went, though, he was faced with evil spirits. In fact, they were the first ones to even recognize him. You heard that a while ago. They knew Jesus. They knew he had the power to get rid of them. They knew he had the power to set them down.
Speaker 2:And while the common people walked for days to get their sick people and their loved ones to Jesus, the Jewish leaders, they did all they could do. They did all they could do to cause them problems. They were so set against Jesus. And when Jesus told them that his sins are forgiven, they said, well, only God can forgive sins. And when Jesus called a tax collector to be his disciple, they said, well, how can he eat and drink with the publicans and the sinners. I mean, did he not come to call the sinners to repentance? Is that not what he said in his word? Is that not what he said in his word? You know?
Speaker 2:And when Jesus called, when he didn't fast on specific days, they said well, how can he be the Messiah if he didn't observe the customs? You know and we know what. When he didn't observe the laws of the Sabbath day, they said how can he be the Messiah if he doesn't observe the laws? In our traditions they always had something to say against him. That was probably their life journey was to oppress him. And always they waited, they lingered on every single word. But the thing about it is they knew who he was, they saw the evidence, they just rejected it. They knew who he was. He was right there in front of them.
Speaker 2:So, people, mark 1, 40 through 45, when you go on down through there, we go on down into the second, I guess apparently this is the second day of Jesus' ministry. He heals a man with leprosy, it said. And the leper came to him, beseeching him and kneeling down and saying If thou will, wilt thou make me clean? And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand and he touched him and he said I will. He said Be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed. I mean, wow, you know Jesus breaks down the barriers right there that separate the clean from the unclean. You know, he could have healed him with just his words. He could have just said be thou clean. He didn't even have to touch him.
Speaker 2:But he did See, he didn't care about the laws that forbid the contact with the lepers. If you read back in the laws of Moses, in Leviticus 13 and 14, it actually condemns this man to isolation and, if I'm not mistaken, he's actually supposed to even holler unclean when he walks by somebody. So Jesus didn't care about that. He wanted to do one thing and he wanted to heal the man, that's all. It didn't matter what the man had. He could have healed him with just saying be thou clean, but he had to touch him. And the thing about it is, jesus went on and he told this man, he said don't say anything. I'm paraphrasing Jesus, of course. He said just report to the priest, as required by the law, because back then somebody that had leprosy had to go to a priest and the priest would declare them clean. And so he told him just go to the priest, and only a priest can declare them clean. And so the man, he told the man, don't, you know, don't say a whole lot, just you know. But the man couldn't hold water, I mean, and what did he do? He goes and he tells everything and you know, I was thinking about that. I thought, wow, you know, I'm not going to probably say that I don't know if I could have held that in either man. I don't know if I could have held that in Look what the Savior done for me. I don't know how long I could have walked about without screaming and shouting wow, look what the Lord done for me. It would be hard, you know, and word got around quickly about this. And so the word got so quickly around that Jesus couldn't even come into town openly anymore. He had to stay out into deserted places. But the thing about it is you know what the Bible says. They came to him from every quarter. They didn't have to see Jesus, didn't have to go. Look, they come from him. They come from every quarter, from right and left, up and down. They came, and the man may have meant well, he probably just thought he was helping Jesus, but his disobedience hindered the ministry of Jesus. And that right there should let us know people that we should never think that we have a better plan, because his plan is always better. His way is always better. We may think our way is better, but it's not. His plan is always better, but Jesus.
Speaker 2:In his very first sermon recorded by Mark, he preached the good news of the gospel he preached to the people, you know, the need for them to be made right spiritually with God. Jesus knew the only hope for mankind was the gospel. He preached and he lived it. And, friends, because of his life, his death and his resurrection, we can live it too. You know this message was always and is still today the same Repent and believe the gospel. You know, and during Jesus's ministry he called people to follow him.
Speaker 2:Throughout Mark, we get a picture of what it means to follow Christ and his disciples. This told us a whole first day, you know, of his ministry. This gives us a whole first day of his ministry. This gives us a picture of the things that he did for people. Now, in today's time, mark's message, we would probably tell people something like I want you to know that trust in Jesus. Indeed, he's the Messiah, he's the Son of God, and follow him. That would be the same message. We just have to listen. We have to listen to the call is what we have to do. It's the same message.
Speaker 2:So I kind of went over into Mark 2 just a little bit. I didn't go far, but again it says and again he entered into Capernaum after some days and it was noised that he was in the house. Wow, jesus is in the house, I mean. And the Bible says there were so many gathered there was no room left. There was so not even outside the door. He preached the word there and they couldn't even, probably, open the door for people to get in. And the Bible said there were some men came by, they were bringing a paralyzed man on a mat or on his bed, and these four men carried this guy and so they couldn't get him into Jesus. And the Bible tells us that they made a hole in the roof and they lowered the man in his mat down to Jesus. And the Bible says Jesus saw their faith and he said Son, he said thy sins forgive thee.
Speaker 2:Now, of course, there was some scribes in the house, you know, and they were there just waiting. And you know, when Jesus said, you know, thy sins are forgiven, what did they do? You know they were thinking. They were thinking to themselves. You know why was he saying that? Why? Why does he say that he's? He speaks blasphemies and only God can forgive sins? And that's what these men, these scribes, were thinking to themselves in their heart.
Speaker 2:And you know what Jesus felt that, he felt that you know. And immediately he said he, the Bible says. And immediately when Jesus perceived his spirit, you know. And immediately he said he, the Bible says. And immediately when Jesus perceived his spirit, you know what they said and they felt. He felt that judgment, he felt that doubt. He knew, he knew what they were saying and feeling. And you know, he, he. You can't fool the spirit, can't fool the Spirit. And that's another thing that, when we read these words, if we open up our hearts and our minds to what it means, you can't fool the Spirit, you can't fool God. You can fool me, you can fool your mom and your dad and your brothers and your sisters, you can fool your church and your pastor, but you can't fool God, you can't fool the Holy Spirit. And see, he knew, god knows our intentions and he knows our motivations and he knows our thoughts too. You know. And Jesus ended up asking him why, why do you think these things?
Speaker 2:You know, and he said which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or get up, take your mat up, walk. You know, jesus, you know either way. I mean there was so much doubt and I know we felt that, but he said, but that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins, you know. And Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and he said get up, take your mat and go home. And Jesus tells him get up and go. You know, and they did. And Jesus tells them get up and go. And they did. And these people were amazed. They were so amazed that they saw this man get up and they saw him walk away and they praised God. They praised God saying we've never seen anything like this before. Actually, they said we never saw it in this fashion is what the Word says.
Speaker 2:But, people, I'm telling you I want to close with this we are kind of like this paralyzed man. This was a man in need. He was a man blessed with good friends. He was a man forgiven, you know, by Jesus Christ. And we're kind of a lot like this man. We have our needs and only Jesus can fulfill. We need forgiveness and only he can fulfill. We need forgiveness and only he can grant. We have brothers and sisters that in Christ that is willing to help us.
Speaker 2:But see, the thing about it is is his faith is what led him to Jesus. And my question is do we have that same faith today? Friends, when you put your full faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you are saved, and that salvation begins a process of you answering the call to totally follow Jesus. It doesn't matter if you were one of the first four disciples or if you just answered the call to Jesus today. Either way, the process is the same. When you put your faith in Jesus Christ, it's the same. You put your faith in Jesus, you turn away from your sins and you follow him always. And people, this is the way it's always been and praise the Lord. It's the way it's always going to be. It's always going to be.
Speaker 2:And we've heard an account of the good news the first day in the life of Jesus' ministry. I love it. I thank you so very much for listening. I hope that you guys. I hope this has blessed you as much as it's blessed me to bring it to you. I love this chapter. I love reading about the first day in Jesus's life. I love the way he went out and he gathered his men and he gathered his people and you know, and he healed and he put the devil in his place and it's just awesome.
Speaker 2:But, people I want to end with, we really need to answer this call. We need to answer this call and I'm going to end with a prayer. Our Father, god in heaven, we praise you, lord, for this word. We thank you. We thank you for the word that leads us and guides us every day in our step. We praise you for this, we honor you for this.
Speaker 2:I ask you to bless each and everybody out there today that maybe something I said here today may have an impact on their lives. Maybe that'll give them the gumption to get up and answer the call to Jesus Christ, answer the call to serve the Lord, answer the call to go into the battlefield and get on that battlefield and fight the fight for Jesus. You know, I praise you, god, I honor you, god, I love you today. I thank you for everything. I thank you for this studio, I thank you for this ministry. I thank you, lord, for everything you've given me. I praise you, I honor you, I love you and I thank you for the people out there that's listening today. Lord, just let these words get to the ears that it needs to hear, the ears that needs to hear this. Lord, I thank you for everything. I praise you and I honor you, I worship you and I ask these and all things in Jesus' holy, sweet name.
Speaker 1:Amen and amen. God bless everybody. Listen to Bible Talk on the 421 Podcast. You can stream that on Google, apple, spotify or whatever platform of your choosing. If you'd like to contact Sister Deb, you can email her at osbrendeverkaye at gmailcom. That's O-S-B-O-R-N-E, d-e-b-r-a-k at gmailcom. If you guys would like to support the show, you can support it through PayPal slash HOR421 or you can go through our website at HOR421showbuzzsproutcom. All shows are recorded live, no post editing, recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information for all of your studio needs, you can email at HOR421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502.