421 Show
(Hand Of Refuge Ministry.) Hello, my name is James Keith (JD) This podcast is part of my ministry. God says to take the gospel to the highways and hedges compel lost. We all come from different walks of lives, but one thing we all have in common is we have a testimony to share.
In this podcast I want share Gods testimonies, the word of God, all his goodness.
421 show: Host Jd.
Bible Talk: Host Deb Osborne.
Cawood Church Of God.
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Will feature Guest Testimony. And Gust Preachers
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This Program will feature live audio recorded Messages only from Cawood Church Of God. Sunday morning Service.
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24 hour prayer service, 1st Saturday of the month @ The Cawood Church of God. Harlan Ky.
For more information contact Georgina Perkins
@ https://www.facebook.com/georgina.perkins.733
Contact information:
Host: James Keith
Co Host: Debra Osborne
All show are recorded and edited @ 421 Studio. For all your studio needs contact @ hor421ministry@gmail.com 239-849-1502
421 Show
Cawood Church Of God Sunday Service 03-02-2025. Mantles of Faith: What Are You Carrying?
Worship and prayer serve as pivotal themes in this discussion centered on spiritual mantles and authenticity in our faith. This episode emphasizes the importance of maintaining a close relationship with God through honest communication and heartfelt worship.
• Understanding the significance of spiritual mantles
• Exploring the role of prayer in the believer's life
• The importance of authenticity in worship
• Recognizing the need for personal prayer spaces
• Overcoming societal expectations and “masks” in church
• Inviting listeners to develop deeper connections with God
I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.
Surely to my God, we can bless His name. I've watched a lot of praises go up this week in a gymnasium and over my dead body. Will I act a fool in a gym and come in a church and be dignified Because his name is worthy of our praise? His name is worthy of our praise.
Speaker 1:His name is worthy of our praise.
Speaker 2:Hallelujah, we give me praise. Everybody, just everybody, just stay put. I'm going to share my heart for about five minutes. I've heard a lot about mantles. This morning, sister Callie obeys the Lord, sister Renata comes and tells me what the Lord put in her heart. I look around in this altar, I see people who have mantles in your life. Christy, your granny had a mantle that she carried. Manolora, your family had mantles that they carried. You may be here and you say but, pastor, I didn't have anybody in my family. Well, guess what? There's a first time for everything, amen. There's a mantle for you that you're going to hand down to somebody. Amen. But I'm confident. I'm confident that you're here because somebody prayed for you. You're here because somebody called on God on your behalf, whether it was a grandparent, a parent, brother, steve, I'm not trying to embarrass you, but I hear it's your dad's birthday today. Amen. The brother left a mantle. He left a mantle. He left a mantle that's to be picked up and to be carried. Amen, amen.
Speaker 2:And listen in the book, in my scripture, don't move. Don't move, cause I'm just going to share this. Throw my text up there, georgina. The book of Luke, chapter 11, verse one. Listen.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they, they, they knew how to worship Christian. They knew how to worship Christian. They knew how to worship my God. They didn't have page, they didn't have formal training, but when they opened their mouths and began to sing the praises of God, heaven would come down, amen. It's like they were reaching the throne. They wasn't singing to a congregation, they were singing to God. It was like angels were sitting on their faces singing praises unto God. They wasn't singing to people, they were singing to God. When we say, oh God, oh God, I need you, I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to him. Oh God, oh God, I need you. If you were the healer, then you're the healer now. If you provided, then you'll provide now. Whatever you did, then you'll do it now. That's how they praised. They were singing and worshiping to God. But I'll tell you what they did do. Man.
Speaker 2:And it came to pass that, as he was praying in a certain place, talking about Jesus, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him Lord, teach us to sing. Is that what it says? Lord, teach us to worship, teach us to worship, teach us to shout. Lord, teach us to pray. Man, they were anointed in the day and I tell you what brought the anointing. They prayed in the day. And I tell you what brought the anointing. They prayed. Why did the disciples want Jesus to teach them to pray? I'm glad you asked, because they saw Tyler when he prayed, things happened, my God. Because they saw when he prayed, things happened. Don't teach us to give or teach us to worship those things we'll pick up on but teach us to pray.
Speaker 2:There are people that don't even know how to pray. It's a relational conversation with God. Real quick, matthew, chapter 6. Go on down to verse 6. I'm sorry, verse 5. Go to verse 5.
Speaker 2:And when thou prayest, and when you pray, he didn't say if you pray, right, it's a given that if you're a Christian, you're a praying one. If you're a child of God, you're a praying Christian. He said when you pray, not if you pray, not how you pray, not where you pray, not if you might pray. He said when you pray, we are a praying follower, not a 911 caller. A lot of people call on him when it's a 911. 911. Situation. Oh no, listen. When you get into prayer and you start knowing what God can do through prayer, it goes from being a burden to an opportunity. It's not a burden to pray. I get to pray because something is going to happen, man, you got to quit using him as your 911 caller. God, things happen, man. You've got to quit using Him as your 911 caller. Things happen.
Speaker 2:It's relational communication with God. It's not just communication, it's relational communication because we call Him Father. A lot of people pray to God without a family connection. My God, you got to pray to him with a family connection, with a father connection. He said don't be like the hypocrites, for they love standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen. Of men, man, we're living in a generation that's looking for validation in all the wrong places. They're looking for affirmation in all the wrong places. They're looking for someone to affirm them and confirm them and validate them and make them feel like somebody. They're looking for it in all the wrong places. They turn to this, they turn to that, they turn to another, but as our brother said, try him. They turn to another, but as our brother said, try him Because he's the only one that can validate you and affirm you.
Speaker 2:You see, the hypocrite in Bible times was referred to as it was a term used in the theater, it was when they would wear a mask, brother Jason, and play multiple parts. They would play one part and wear a mask and I'll get into this another day, another time but then when it was time to play another part, they would take that mask off and put on another one. And I'm afraid we got a lot of people coming in a lot of churches wearing a lot of masks. Amen, I believe we're trying to put on a smile where there's pain and there's hurt and there's trauma. I believe we're trying to put on a front when really we're going through hell on earth and we need God to come by our way and to deliver us from the valley of the shadow of death. But we're wearing a mask because we don't want anybody to know and we're being as though we're hypocritical.
Speaker 2:I need him, somebody. Somebody needs to take off the mask and bury your nose at an altar and try him first. Try him, try him. He said when you pray, when you pray, Many folk are wearing their masks. They come to look the part, they speak the part, they want to play the part. God says you might play the part with people, but you don't play the part with me. They play the part in the church, but on the street corner, on the job, in the store, in the gym, their mask comes off and you find out who they really, are we really?
Speaker 2:are. We're wearing a mask in the church house that we didn't wear on the job this week. We're wearing a mask to church today. Got your makeup done and your hair did. You look at all kinds of good today, but you wasn't wearing that mask in Walmart when that person took your parking place. Come on, because out there we don't wear the mask, but in here we come in here wearing our suits and our ties and our masks.
Speaker 2:Leonard Ravenhill said this if you have an intimate prayer life relationship with God, you are not intimidated by man. If you're intimate with God, you don't care what man says. We want the signs, we want the miracles, we want the wonders. Nobody wants to pray. We want the signs, we want the miracles, we want the wonders. Nobody wants to pray.
Speaker 2:Georgina scheduled prayer meeting the first Saturday of every month. I can pray at home, you don't. Yeah, you can pray at home, absolutely you can. But do you? I mean, do you? Do you grab hold? I'm tired of sparing feelings. Do you pray? Do you grab hold of the horns of the altar at home? If you do, great man, there's something. When I walked in this door yesterday at 10 am I'm just going to be real honest with you. I felt something here I didn't feel at home. I felt something in here I didn't feel in my car verse 6, but when you pray not if you pray, verse 6. But when you pray not if you pray, but when you pray.
Speaker 2:Go in the prayer closet. Number one God wants you to come in there and tell him things that you are not going to say in the marketplace. What do you mean? If you said in the marketplace what God wants you to tell him in private, you ain't going to have no friends, right? Right? I can't tell God that. You act like he don't know. You act like he don't know how many hairs are up on your head. You act like he don't know when you woke up up on your head. You act like he don't know when you woke up this morning and what you did all through the day. Yet you can tell god everything in the prayer closet. Go in the prayer closet and don't just go in the prayer closet, shut the door and pray to thy who there's that family relationship.
Speaker 2:Pray to the father which is in secret and your father, which seeth in secret, shall reward you openly. How do I pray in secret? Shall reward you openly. How do I pray? We're going to get into this. We're going to get the Lord's Prayer in a couple weeks. We're going to break it down Because it's good stuff. How do you pray? Number one find you a prayer closet. You've got to find a secluded place. You got to find the secret place. You got to find the secret place. What's so special about the secret place? I'm glad you asked Psalm 91.1.
Speaker 2:He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Let me show you what happens when you go to the secret place. Come here, ryder. Come here, ryder. Help me out. Would you Come up here when you go to the secret place, when you go throughout your day, because you've been in the secret place? What happens? Come on, everywhere you go, the shadow of the Almighty goes with you. But you've got to dwell in the secret place. You've got to spend time with God in the secret place, where it's only you and God, because when I say to God in the secret place, it's none of anybody else's business, because me and God I get low down and dirty in the secret place. You know we see this after we've talked to Jesus. You know what I'm talking about. Oh, I tell him all about my troubles. All right, I tell him things I wouldn't want anybody. I'll be honest when I come here in the mornings and pray that camera right there, I've gone in and I've deleted footage.
Speaker 2:Because I don't know if anybody hears what I just said.
Speaker 1:In prayer they ain't gonna let me know, because I go to the secret place and it's in the secret place.
Speaker 2:I can tell God the secret things. And when I go to the secret place and dwell in the secret place of the most high, then wherever I go, I am under the shadow of God. I'm under his shadow here, I'm under his shadow at Walmart, I'm under his shadow at school. I'm under his shadow wherever I go. I am under the shadow because I have been in the sea, because I have been in the secret. And the reason for you.
Speaker 1:I feel like you're not Projected under the shadow of the almighty. Can you pray in secret, god?
Speaker 2:God will reward you openly. What do you mean? I mean he's going to prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. What's that mean? That means the people who hate your guts is going to have to watch you eat and they ain't going to know how God's doing that for you. It's because you've been in the secret place. You hold on. You might take a beating. Oh my God, I feel you might take a beating from the enemy, but there's going to come a day. Come on, in the spirit of sports, these girls and my son and some of you guys. There was a day we took beatings, but then there's a day we're rewarded. I'm not talking about a scoreboard. I'm talking about when God comes down and just blesses you until you can't be blessed no more. I'm encouraging every one of you.
Speaker 2:How do I pray? Number one you got to find a secret place. You got to go in it. You got to shut the door behind you. Does it literally mean a room? Your secret place may be on a mountain somewhere Out in the open. If it is just pretend like you shut a door, I don't know. But that's your secret place, because there is where God is going to hear, see and move.
Speaker 2:I believe God's moving for you. I believe that while I speak right now, god is in the process of moving. I believe doors are opening. I believe doors. I believe doors are opening. I hear doors opening. I believe there's divine healing. With His stripes, I am healed. I believe it's happening right now and I believe I hear it happening. I believe I see a shadow hovering over some of you, because you've been in the secret place and the shadow of the Almighty is with you. I believe, I see that. I believe, if you'll listen real close, you'll hear coming over the mountain. You'll hear the Spirit of God flooding in to intervene in your situation and move in your need. But first you've got to be a.
Speaker 2:When you pray, I've had people come to me and say, pastor, if you pray, pray for me and I'm maybe it ain't enough. It's when we're a when you pray kind of people. Prayer is not teach us to pray. Relational communication with God, heavenly Father, that's enough, right there, to move his heart. Because you called him Father. He's a good, good Father, would you agree, pastor? I didn't have a dad on earth.
Speaker 2:You might not have had a dad on earth, baby, but you got a Father in heaven. Come on, he's a good Father and he waits in the secret place for you to come in and abide and dwell so that he can go with you and hide you under the shadow of his wings. I'll never forget Sister Sue Woodruff brought Leanne and me up on this platform and she had the biggest set of makeshift wings I've ever seen and she put us both under it and she said God says that he is hiding you under the shadow of His wings. And I'm telling you today he's hiding you under the shadow of His wings. Would you stand and bow your heads with me please? We had a phenomenal Sunday school lesson this morning.
Speaker 2:Amos, this is for. This is for those of you who maybe you didn't have a spiritual upbringing. Our Sunday school teacher told us about Amos. When God told Amos to go to the northern kingdom of Israel and prophesy to them, what did Jeroboam's servant say to him? He said in other words, who do you think you are? And Amos said listen, I'm not a prophet. My daddy wasn't a prophet. My granddaddy wasn't a prophet. My great, great granddaddy wasn't a prophet. But I'll tell you this All I am is a little shepherd that tends to some fruit trees here and there. But I do know that God spoke to me and sent me here to tell you this you don't have to have a lineage for God to use you. Come on, do you hear me? You don't have to go five deep in Pentecost for God to use you. God's raising up men and women from all over this earth and he's going to use them, regardless to your church background. As a matter of fact, church backgrounds sometimes get you in trouble, not me, yes, you.
Speaker 2:With every head bowed and every eye closed, you're in this room and you're lost and you're on your way to hell. That's all I know to tell you. I don't really want, I don't really got to say anything else. You know where your soul is headed. You know. You know if you die today. Well, I'm relatively young. I'm seeing more people pass away at young ages than I've seen in my life 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55. It's no longer 75, 80, 85, 90-year-old people. It is now down in the 30s and 40s where they're just abruptly dying.
Speaker 2:You're going to take your last breath one day. Your heart is going to beat for the last time one day, and you've got people over in glory waiting on you. But if you're not ready, you're not going to the reunion. If you're not ready, you're not going to the homecoming. If you're not ready, you're not going to the homecoming. If you're not ready, you're not going to that place not built with hands whose builder and maker and ruler is God.
Speaker 2:It don't work that way. I don't care who says fly high angel. It don't work that way.
Speaker 2:I don't care how many Facebook posts come out that say I hope you're having a good time in heaven. If your name's not in the Lamb's book of life, heaven's not where you're going. I don't care what the preacher says at your funeral. Ain't nobody preaching nobody into heaven. You must be born again. Well, I don't know if I believe that. It really doesn't matter what you believe. That's what the Word of God says, and this is the holy, infallible, indestructible Word of a Living God you must be born again. Have you been born again? Have you invited Jesus into your heart to save your soul? Heaven or hell, it's your choice. It's your choice. You're going to walk out this door today, choosing what? If you never get the opportunity again to call on His name, then what?
Speaker 2:I believe that there needs to be a vision of hell to go out, so that people know, like the rich man said oh, father Abraham, that I, that you could send Lazarus to tell my brothers not to come to this awful place because I'm tormented in this flame. And Father Abraham said they have the prophets. They won't believe one as though he came from the dead. If they won't believe the preachers and the prophets, they won't believe one that came from the dead either. There are people in the flame right now who, if they could, they, would beg you not to come to that awful place called hell. It's a matter of calling on the name of Jesus. He'll save you, he'll set you free, he'll do a work in your life that you never knew could be done. If you're lost, come to Jesus. If you're lost, come to Jesus. If you're lost, the call is going out. Can I get the saints of God to start praying right now? Start praying, start praying.
Speaker 3:Hey, you're listening to the Cable Church of God Sunday Service. You're listening on the 421 Show podcast. You can check out our website at hor421showbuzzsproutcom for all your latest content and information. You can also listen on Google, apple, spotify or whatever platform you're choosing. If you'd like to support the show, you can support it through PayPal, slash, hor421 or hor421showbuzzsproutcom. If you'd like to email, you can email at hor421ministries at gmailcom. Call numbers 239-849-1502, again recorded at the 421 studio, for contact information. Follow your studio needs. Just email and phone information. Follow your studio needs. This is Dean Nealon.