421 Show
(Hand Of Refuge Ministry.) Hello, my name is James Keith (JD) This podcast is part of my ministry. God says to take the gospel to the highways and hedges compel lost. We all come from different walks of lives, but one thing we all have in common is we have a testimony to share.
In this podcast I want share Gods testimonies, the word of God, all his goodness.
421 show: Host Jd.
Bible Talk: Host Deb Osborne.
Cawood Church Of God.
Bonus Programs:
Will feature Guest Testimony. And Gust Preachers
Coming Soon.
This Program will feature live audio recorded Messages only from Cawood Church Of God. Sunday morning Service.
If you would like to share your testimony contact hor421ministry@gmail.com.
Starting September 2024 every Sunday at 5pm Bible Talk will be airing on WUIC 88.1 Christian Radio
Radios contact information: Jsy@Wuic.org
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24 hour prayer service, 1st Saturday of the month @ The Cawood Church of God. Harlan Ky.
For more information contact Georgina Perkins
@ https://www.facebook.com/georgina.perkins.733
Contact information:
Host: James Keith
Co Host: Debra Osborne
All show are recorded and edited @ 421 Studio. For all your studio needs contact @ hor421ministry@gmail.com 239-849-1502
421 Show
Debbie King shares her journey, Can You Handle the Truth? A Heart-Wrenching Vision of Christ's Sacrifice
In this poignant episode of the 421 Show, we welcome Debra King, who paints a vivid picture of her spiritual journey through powerful visions of the crucifixion. Debra courageously shares a deeply personal account of her experience with dreams and divine revelations that unveiled critical truths about Jesus’ sacrifice. From the vivid image of Christ bearing the cross to the details of His suffering, Debra invites us to see through her eyes the gravity of His love and the pain He endured.
As the conversation unfolds, we delve into significant biblical passages, such as Isaiah 53, resonating with the eternal implications of these sacred texts. This exploration offers valuable insights into the spiritual challenges we face today and reflects on the interconnectedness of faith and everyday life. Debra emphasizes the transformative power of prayer, the importance of speaking life over death, and the remarkable testimonies of divine intervention that can reshape our lives.
Engaging and heartfelt, this episode seeks not only to inform but to inspire listeners to deepen their spiritual journeys. It is a stirring call to engage with God’s presence actively and a reminder of His unwavering support in challenging times. Join us for a transformative journey and discover how profound faith, raised through testimony, intercession, and revelation, can ignite a path to new life and understanding. Don’t forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review—your journey through faith begins here!
I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.
Hey, welcome to the show. This is your host, jd. You're listening to 421 Show. Hey, go check out our website at hor421showbuzzsproutcom for all your latest content and information. Remember to tune in to Bible Talk once a week with Sister Deb Osborne. You can also find her show on the WIC 88.1 Christian radio station every Sunday, 5 pm. We're also airing once a week the Catewood Church of God Sunday service. You can also find that on our website. If you'd like to support the show, you can support it through PayPal slash HOR421 or HOR421showbuzzsproutcom.
Speaker 1:Shows are recorded live no post editing recorded at the 421 studio. For all your studio needs, you can contact me at an email at HOR421ministries at gmailcom. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Oh, praise the lord, glory to god. We've got a special guest with us today and she has a word of god that she's wanting to share with us, and her name is debbie king. She was once on the show again. She shared her testimony I think it was close to a little over half a year ago or something like that and I'd like to welcome her to the show and, like I said, she's got a message for us and the mic's yours.
Speaker 2:Well, thank God for any opportunity. We have to do something for the Lord Sure been in a battle getting a chance to come back, so the enemy must have not liked what I had to say the first time. He's sure not going to like this this. I'm going to talk to you about some dreams and visions that the Lord gave me, and it may give you a little revelation of how we can read the Bible and how we see things in our mind and picture it how it happened, but when we see it in reality it was much different. The Lord fell in front of me with a cross on his back in a vision, and that's the first thing I'm going to talk about. But I would like to give you some recommended reading, and you can. If you don't have a pen or anything at this time, you can go back and listen to this part later. But I recommend reading Isaiah 53, 6 through 8, acts 8 and 32, 1 Peter 1 and 19,. And please absolutely read Psalms 22 and 12, joel 2 and 23, and Hosea 6 and 3.
Speaker 2:The scriptures that I'm going to focus on out of all this is Isaiah 53 and 7. He was oppressed and he was afflicted, and yet he opened not his mouth. He was bought as a lamb to the slaughter, as a sheep before her shearers is done, so he opened not his mouth. Well, if you had the opportunity to listen to my testimony before, I was in the Baptist churches before, and so the Lord had told me to go to the Pentecostal denomination, so I was new to the Pentecostal denomination and then I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and I began to have dreams and visions, and one of the hardest visions that I'd seen it came to me this way I was in church service and the pastor was preaching on Isaiah 53 and 7. Which stood out to me was the verse that he was bought as a lamb to the slaughter. That word slaughter was what kept standing out to me. Then I visited another church that was in revival and the preacher preached on the same thing. And then I turned on Christian TV and he was preaching on the same thing and the word slaughter kept standing out to me. It just kept like it was echoing through my spirit every day. That word would not leave my spirit and it grieved my spirit. It's like it just pierced my heart.
Speaker 2:And at this time, you know, I was raising four children. And so I, every night, before I went to bed, I would go outside. I had this little apple tree that was just high enough for me to stand under and it was in full bloom, so I would go underneath this apple tree Once it got dark. It was away from the kids, the TV, the husband, the phone or any distractions kids, the tv, the husband, the phone or any distractions. And so as I was grieving over these scriptures um, it was just like extremely grieving me one night. So as I went outside to pray, I said, lord, they would have showed an animal mercy before they slaughtered it, but they would have killed it first. Been been humane, I said. But they showed you no mercy. You felt everything I said and I was crying and I said, lord, I'm so sorry for what you went through to save me because I wasn't worth it.
Speaker 2:And at that very moment I was in a white hallway and I could see all the paintings, the pictures of the crucifixion that I'd ever seen in my life and some that I hadn't. So I began to look at these paintings and Jesus spoke to me and he told me. He said these are deceiving all of my people. This thoroughly shocked me. I didn't know what to say for a few minutes because they always made me feel very sorry for what the Lord went through. I had compassion for the Lord.
Speaker 2:When I see these crucifixions, pictures, paintings. I said, lord, how are they deceiving all of your people? And then he said look in this one, there's only a little sorrow in my eyes. He said I was beat all night. Do you see any bruises? And I said no, lord. And then he said look at my hands. In this one, there's only a little blood. I had spikes driven in my hands compared to the nails of today. And then the lord said look at my feet. In this one, is there? There's only a couple drops of blood. Look where they pierce my side. Do you see very much blood? And you don't even you don't see the water pouring out on my side. And jesus said they're trying to take the blood away. That's the price I had to pay for the redemption of man. And he said that again, they're trying to take the blood away. And in his voice it sounded like he broke, like he was, like a person does when they're getting ready to cry. And the Lord took me to every painting and pointed out all the different wounds in the paintings. And the Lord said did you see any bruises? And I said no.
Speaker 2:And at this point the Lord fell in front of me with a cross on his back. That was the most horrific thing that I ever seen in my life. His body was slashed open all over and on his right side I actually saw two of his rib bones that the flesh had been ripped off from hanging down on his side. Every part of his body that was not slashed was bruised and swollen. He laid there trying to get up and he was so weak from taking those slashes at the whipping post that his arms were shaking and trembling and he couldn't get up. And that excuse me, I'm sorry, and he was trying to get up very hard, but he had lost so much blood. I saw people running up to him and kicking him in the same side that I could see his ribs. They were pulling his hair. They were screaming in his face. It looked like they were cussing him from what I could see, and they had to have been possessed to have done that to another human, in my opinion.
Speaker 2:And then I saw the Roman soldier grab Simon of Cyrene out of the crowd and he was a large man and he seemed to argue for just a minute. And the way that I saw him pick up the cross is he put Jesus's arm up on the cross and then picked up that side of the cross and then he put his arm around the Lord and put the cross up on his shoulder. He picked up the Lord and the and he basically carried both of them. The next thing I saw I was in a crowd of people and everyone was talking in language I didn't understand and they were all dressed in biblical times of that day. But because I couldn't understand what they were saying, I said Lord, what am I doing here? Jesus said look up. When I looked up, I saw him hanging on the cross and I looked away very fast. He said look at me, look at me, take your time, tell the people what you see.
Speaker 2:And I know no one could have done that to another human being unless they were possessed by the devil. Well, that was pure hatred, but Jesus was pure love, and when I was a child I would wonder why that the crown of thorns never fell off his head. These thorns were three to four inches long, not like the little thorns that we might get scratched with picking berries. This is what I saw. His head was swollen into the crown of thorns and his beard was off his face. I mean, he had no beard left. They would twist their hands in it and jerk it out by the handfuls. His whole face was bloody and, uh, I could be crying with this. Like I said, he had no beard, he was just a bloody face, and his hands and feet were swollen. The Lord's body was bruised and swollen and this is just my opinion, but from what I saw, I think that his intestines would have possibly fell out if his body hadn't been so swollen. He was really unrecognizable as a human. He had the big hole in his side and he was covered with blood dripping off and water.
Speaker 2:And I woke up laying in the yard on the ground underneath my apple tree in the dark. I have saw the Lord three times on the cross. I have saw the Lord three times on the cross, but I want to give you a chance. If you would like to say something, okay. Like I say, I saw him three times on the cross. One time I was in church and there were people coming up against me and I saw this vision. This was to encourage me. I had my arm around a tree and I said, lord, what is this? I'm not a tree hugger and I was holding on to the cross was what I had my arm around and I saw his feet above me and one drop of blood came off his feet and hit me between the eyes and I cried so hard yeah, I'd cried very hard in the first one that I just was telling you about and trying hard not to cry now, but out and trying hard not to cry now. But it's a hard thing to see. But you would think after me seeing this, that I would have never messed up. But sad to say that I did that. I have messed up.
Speaker 2:But when you do, swiftly repent, go to Romans 7 and 15. God, the Father, loved us so much that he sent his only begotten Son to pay the price for our sins. The wages of sins is death. What is wages? It's something that you earn and deserve. You know the devil was having a just a field day, but our savior defeated death, hell in the grave and I think the hardest part of jesus crucifixion and this is just my opinion even after what I saw was when he cried out my god, my god, why have you forsaken me? That's the first time that I believe that he had been without the presence of God Up until that time. In the scriptures he called him Father, and that separation must have been the hardest thing for the Father and the Son. That's how much he loves us. It must have been hard for all of heaven to go through, because I'm sure all the angels stood ready and I wondered why God had showed me this. And then God sent me a prophet to tell me why. And this was just amazing, how all that come to play.
Speaker 2:I didn't have this in the message, but I think I'll throw it in real quick. I had a dream about this man and he was a preacher and he lived in Knoxville. I didn't have his phone number, but when I woke up I told my husband. I said I have to go, I have to tell him this. I got to get this message. I said just take me over to his mom and dad's. They live about a minute away, dads, they live about a minute away. And I said I will have them call and I'll tell him. And amazingly, he was there at their house. And I know God set this up because he shouldn't. He should have been in Knoxville working. And he said. I said, oh, what are you doing here? And he said, oh, my mom and dad has doctor's appointments. That's very important. And he said I couldn't. They didn't have a way, their vehicles messed up, so I came to get them.
Speaker 2:And then, when I told him what the Lord had showed me, he knew exactly. It was confirmation of the prophecy that he had had when he was a child. And then he began to speak in tongues, and then he began to prophesy to me, began to speak in tongues, and, and then he began to prophesy to me. And the prophecy said that I was going to have an experience like john on the island of patmos, that I would be, uh, took up into heaven and that I would be shown the hidden things in the scriptures to reveal them to his people.
Speaker 2:In the last days, he said many people would not believe me and I wouldn't believe what I had to say, and that the very people I thought would stand behind me would not, and that much persecution was going to come. But Jesus said at this time that he was going to bring back the memory when he fell in front of me with a cross on his back to show me and remind me what real persecution was really like in their time. And at this point he said he was going to give me a choice that I could continue to do the work that he had given me to do or that I could stop doing that work. Jesus said that it was going to be so bad that I would think I couldn't take another step for him or be able to speak another word for him and this made me think of Jeremiah and that I could choose to stop the work that I was doing. And I thought to myself, how could I choose to stop working for Jesus? And I was thinking when I was getting this prophecy, oh no.
Speaker 2:But then the Lord said this. He said, if you choose to continue, signs, wonders and miracles will follow your ministry and that you would see many, many knees bow before him and that he would prove me to everyone that come up against me. And if they did not repent and that's the words he used repent, that he would completely move them out of my way. And that's a scary thing. That's one reason why you should pray for your enemies, because God don't mess around when people are coming up against his children.
Speaker 2:And then I had another vision that ties into this, and this was over years, this was over time. It all didn't come back to back. Then God gave me this vision and I was watching myself in this big church now I don't know where it is and it had lots of aisles, it had balconies and I was wondering, as I was watching this, how many people was in this church. And it came to my mind that they were 6,000. And I began to hear what I was saying and I was talking about dreams and visions that I had, the armor of God that he showed me, and crowns and different things I had and were. The Lord said that, like when I would give, was I was given the dreams and visions, I would hear the Lord say this is what it means in the Bible when it says and he would give me a scripture, and then I would repeat it exactly the way that the Lord gave it to me and that was how he was revealing some of the hidden things that went with the scriptures I was talking about.
Speaker 2:And there was a big, tall man standing behind me and he was dressed, you know, in a black suit, with a white tie and with a white shirt and a black tie, but for some reason I didn't see his face and I didn't even think about it at that time. So when I did think about it, I asked God why didn't I see his face? And he said that he didn't want me to know who he was and to get ahead of him because I had to wait on him. And everybody knows, you do have to wait on the Lord or you will mess up. And this man began to jump up and down real high. He was jumping real high and he was clapping his hands, saying Praise God, praise God. People, she's telling you the truth. And the whole place began to praise God and I began to see people come up out of wheelchairs, out of hospital beds, braces falling off, people jumping I mean they were screaming. I can see, I can hear. I'm speaking. For the first time. God healed everyone with no one laying hands on them. People were screaming, running to the altar, being saved. They were being baptized with the Holy Ghost for the first time.
Speaker 2:The prayer of God was very strong in that place and every gift of the Spirit was in operation, and I did not realize it until this started happening, and I don't know how this could be possible, but there was a bed in there with a person covered up with a sheet and I saw them jump up out of that bed and I know this person was dead when I seen what had happened. So the dead was coming back to life and I looked at myself to see what I was doing and I was just acting like this was a normal everyday service. That's the way it's going to be when god pours out his spirit upon the earth when the latter rain comes. So keep yourself ready for it and if and if you are in a backslidden condition, repent. And God told me this too that you have to seek for the latter rain, that everyone will not get it. Have you been driving down the road and it'll be wet in one place and then dry in another place and wet in another place, and one of the places might have just a little rain and one place might be heavily saturated. He said that's the way that the latter rain comes, that you have to pray for it. And in Israel, when the latter rain comes, that's immediately after the latter rain the last great harvest of the year comes. So pray for it and then get yourself ready and, by all means, be praying for all of the ministers that are out there doing the work for the Lord, because they really need it. We need to be praying for everyone. Do whatever the Lord tells you to do. He will put a thought in your mind. He'll put it on your heart. You'll hear the still small voice. Just obey the Lord, but the devil will give you an excuse and reasons why that you should not do it, and it'll probably make sense to you. But when that happens, get started on whatever the Lord has given you to do right away. We really need to be going after the lost too in this day and time.
Speaker 2:And the Father gave me another vision and I was slayed out in the spirit for over two hours. Um, I had made a sarcastic remark, I guess, about. Well, I didn't actually make a remark. I yeah, I guess I did. And I rolled my eyes and looked at my sister about a remark that she had said, and I guess the Lord wanted to show me where he bought me from. So I had been working overtime for about two weeks and my housework was getting behind, and so I was looking over my mess, trying to decide where I was going to start, and at that time I still smoked cigarettes.
Speaker 2:So I got one out of the pack and before I lit it I was standing in a dark cave. I barely could see a small path, so I began to walk on it and it brought me to a dark pit. There's nowhere to go. I tried to go back. I couldn't move. This was the blackest black that I had ever seen and I, you know, like I say, I couldn't go back. So I said, god, I can't step in that. That has to be outer darkness. I could not ever find my way out. I said, god, help me, show me what to do. And I went up, up.
Speaker 2:But I went into another cave and I went through many caves like that and the last one that it had a small path halfway around the cave. And I said, lord, the path to heaven is narrow and I know that, ain't it? And God didn't move me out. I was getting scared, so I thought maybe he wants me to take a step of faith. So I started to put one foot on that path and I was so terrified that I was going to fall in that pit.
Speaker 2:But I was flying through a valley. The next thing I know I was flying over top of a valley and I could tell that this was the Appalachian Mountains and I was going so fast. And I looked up to see where I was going and I saw Moses. I said You're Moses? I was very excited and he turned around and looked at me and smiled and he nodded his head yes, and he was walking very slow and I was thinking I was going extremely fast and I'm going to look down. I was thinking I was going extremely fast, so I'm going to look down to see if I'm still going fast. So I looked down and I still yet was traveling fast. So I looked back up and then there was Aaron, moses's brother, and I said, oh, you're Aaron. And he nodded yes, and I said, well, I'm going to look down again to see and look back up to see who else I see. Well, when I looked up, I saw Joseph and um, which those three men are deliverers.
Speaker 2:And then I hit a bright light that was so bright it would have blinded the natural eyes. You would have probably never seen again. This light was so bright and as I just kept looking and my eyes began to adjust and I began to see I didn't know what I was looking at. It was like a bunch of round figures just side by side everywhere, but I could tell that they were in the throne room, that the glory of god was shining on them. And I realized once I came out of this and I was looking at the cloud of witnesses I believe that the bible speaks about and this is what makes me think this because a woman raised up and she had a full body prayer shawl over her. That's what the white things were, people praying and their whole body was covered with a prayer shawl and it was Mary, the mother of Jesus, and she was so beautiful in the glory and she pointed up. And then I was going up this mountain and I met Martha and they encouraged me. I met Mary and Martha, excuse me, and they encouraged me to go on up the mountain. As I was going up the mountain, I looked to my side and I saw Mary Magdalene and she was in a garden. She had her elbows up on a rock with a full body prayer shawl over her and she was praying and she encouraged me to go up, keep on going up the mountain.
Speaker 2:Next thing I know I was standing on one of the biggest rocks I ever saw, saw, and we know that the rock was the Lord, and there was Joseph with his coat of many colors on, and there were thousands upon thousands of people on this rock and no one was saying anything. So I told Joseph, I said I'm so honored to be here, but what am I doing here? And he looked up to the sky. I saw a massive, very thick cloud and all of a sudden, the cloud burst open and I saw it looked like liquid light. Of a sudden, the cloud burst open and I saw it looked like liquid light is the only thing I can think to compare it to. But it was light and it poured out all over the Appalachian mountains. It began to flow over every valley and it kept getting higher and higher until the glory of God completely covered the mountains and you could not see the mountains anymore. For the glory of God, that's going to be an amazing time.
Speaker 2:And the third time that I saw the cross, I was in a church and I began to see mountains in front of me, and I was. I know that I wasn't in church anymore, so as as I began to look around, I was hanging on a cross beside Jesus and that confused me. I didn't understand what the Lord was trying to show me and I said Lord, what are you trying to tell me? There was a thief hanging on the cross beside you and the Lord raised his head and he took a very deep breath and he exhaled slowly and he looked at me and he lowered his head back again. Well, I kept seeking answers of what that meant.
Speaker 2:So shortly after that, my husband had to go to the hospital and he was put on the third floor and I had a cousin that was on the second floor that I had not seen in a while. And as they were going to run the test on my husband, I went to see my cousin and she began to ask what happened at the church and I just told her a little bit and she said God gave me a word for you, debbie. She said I had no idea how I was going to get this word to you. She said you're confused and you're even kind of hurt about what the Lord showed you. She said the Lord was showing you what was going on in your spirit. You was being crucified in the spirit. That's what was going on, because not everything that says Lord, lord is of the Lord and not everything that speaks in tongues is of God. And that is a reality.
Speaker 2:Um, I've had people tell me how they got hurt in church, and I've been there a couple of times and, uh, you know, um one time the Lord told me he said when I saved you, I put a very powerful anointing on you. He said Satan was right there and it made him very angry. He said Satan has people everywhere. He has people in church, he has people in Dairy Queen, he has people in any store you go into, he has people at your workplace. He has people everywhere. He said, but when people are coming up against you, they're coming up against the anointing on you. So, therefore, it's not your battle because they're coming up against me. He said so every time the enemy comes up against you, I just want you to lift your hands and praise me and give me glory, because I'm the one that fights the battle they're coming up against me. And that gave me a revelation. You know, um, god will defend you, and this just come to me, so I'm going to share it too.
Speaker 2:Um, one time I had a dream and I I was watching and I was seeing vans of. It was police but it didn't say police. I don't know what it said on the side, but big white vans and they were going in every house. They were pulling every Christian in there out and they were throwing them in the vans and I was watching them come down the street and the thought came to me to go in the house I was standing in front of. So when I walked in the house, oh, it was a beautiful house. It had hand-carved banisters going up and it was just beautifully made.
Speaker 2:But everything was so out of order in this house, like when you would first walk in normally, where you would hang your coat or pull your shoes off. There was a refrigerator and a stove stuck in there, just crammed in there, and I looked and everything was just so out of order. None of the furniture that should be where it was at was there. And I heard something upstairs and I looked and there were three children coming down the stairs and they were crying, saying what are we going to do? What are we going to do? They're coming, they're coming for all the Christians. What are we going to do? And I said you have power and authority. In the name of Jesus, use it. I said first of all, you needed to have your house in order. And they were crying. And I said look, you can stand against these in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can bind them, you can take authority over them. And they said we're afraid.
Speaker 2:Well, I walked to the back door and opened it and looked out. This street was very wide. Every house on that street had a big oak tree in front of it. There was no vehicles, no cars at all, and I thought, wow. And so I looked at them. I said if you're not going to stand and fight, I said, then go, go out this door and run. And they said where are we going to go? I said I don't know, just zigzag, just go, just go. If you're not going to stand, you better leave.
Speaker 2:And then I come back in. I shut the door and I said okay, lord, give me instructions. What do you want me to do here? And he told me to go back out the back door and when I did, this woman pulled up in a white convertible Cadillac and she said Debbie, jump in. She said they're looking for you everywhere.
Speaker 2:So I jumped in the car and as I was going down the road with her, I heard the Lord tell her now don't take this as bragging, this is a part of a testimony. He said tell her that you've been fasting three days a week for the last three years. And I told her that and she said no wonder he's so mad at you. And I should have realized at that point that she was with the enemy. And then the Lord had put me on a much longer, fast. And he told me to tell her that. And when I did, she screamed what? And she slammed the brakes on the car. I mean, she really screamed at me. She said get out right now.
Speaker 2:So I jumped out and I was looking around kind of panicked, like okay, she's from the enemy and she knows exactly where I am. What am I supposed to do? And I looked up and there was a little two room shack. This is so amazing. There was a little two room shack with a little sidewalk going up and I thought it was the only place to go. So I went in the house and the first room had nothing and it had like I was born in 1960, so it had like rugs of that time down. You know, and if you remember the tables that had like the vinyl tops and they would be pink and white or green and white and they had chairs to match them. The only thing in the house was this table and I could see out one door.
Speaker 2:And there was a door in front of me and the Lord walked up and he handed me a plate of food and he handed me a full glass of water. He said whatever you do, don't spill one drop of that water. I said, lord, she knows where I'm at. They're going to come. And he said that's okay, it's my fight. And he said I want you to just keep doing what you're doing, and all of my life the Lord has blessed me to be able to feed people, so I know that's what he meant. He said just keep doing what I give you to do.
Speaker 2:And I saw that car pull up. I said, lord, they're here. And I was kind of panicking and he just whipped around out of the screen door and I pushed the screen door open and when I walked around to the side where I could see them, for some reason there was no refrigerator sitting there and there was two of them coming and they actually had like long black trench coats on and like cowboy hats on and they were laughing, saying she's not even going to know what hit her. I can't wait. I can't wait to bring her down. This is going to be so fun. And the Lord took off and I thought there's two of them. I got to help him. The Lord don't need our help.
Speaker 2:But I set the plate and the glass of water up on top of their refrigerator and turned around to go and the Lord already had both of them down on the ground with their arms twisted behind their back and he started screaming at them. He said don't you ever think that you're gonna do anything like this to my children? These are my children. He said look at her. And he screamed at him look at her. And they turned their head real quick. Looked and they turned their head real quick. Looked and they turned their head back and he twicked their arms real hard like I thought he was going to break them and he screamed right in their face and said look at her. I said and they turned around and looked at me. They said do you see her? And they said yes. He said you better not ever even think about considering doing this to her again or ever. He said, because your punishment will be very great, don't you ever consider her or look in her direction again? And he turned them loose.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you we have such a warrior king. No enemy can defeat him, anything coming up against us. We do need to give it to him, we need to let him take care of it and we need to stay out of it, because God's got everything under control. Sometimes we don't understand why this is happening, why that's happening, what's going on, but God knows. Trust him. Ask yourself this question how many times have you been going through something and you couldn't see God in it at all? You had no idea where he was at. You cry out and asked for his help and you didn't see him nowhere. But when it was all over, you could look back and see every place that he intervened, every person that he used to put into your life. You can see this. You can ask him for anything. I'm just Right now just what the Lord's putting in my mind. I'm going to give you.
Speaker 2:Like I say, I raised four kids and sometimes it was very, very hard. It was hard to put food on the table and, like one time, I looked and there was just nothing in my house that I could put together for a meal. It was a few days before payday. I didn't have any money, I didn't have any way and I just said, lord, you said, if I was faithful to pay my tithes, that you would open up the window of heaven and pour out blessings, which was not room enough to contain. If it's not time for that big blessing, bless me with at least a little.
Speaker 2:And before dark my cabinets was overflowing. I actually had to put a lot of the food on the counter because I couldn't get it all in the cabinets. The refrigerator was full, fully packed. I didn't have a thing to worry about. I didn't have a thing to worry about and I had a job, a good-paying job, that was more sufficient before all of this was done and said and that's happened a couple times you have not because you ask not and one time I had a walking path and I would walk and pray at night and it was getting wintertime and my kids were all grown and gone and my job wasn't paying much. But it was a job that God put me on and I just had a little pair of flip-flops. I'm happy wearing flip-flops in the summer. But I said, lord, it's getting cold and I don't want to not be able to come out here and walk on our path and talk.
Speaker 2:I said I need a pair of shoes and before I was finished praying, this woman pulled up. She had an industrial size, clear garbage bag full of brand new shoes still in the box. That had never been more. Some of these shoes were my size and some of these shoes were much bigger. I got a small foot. I wear a size 5, so some of the shoes were much bigger than me than I needed. So I know that the Lord gave them to me for a reason. So I put those shoes. I had a walk-in closet, so I put all the ones I couldn't wear in the closet.
Speaker 2:And then when I would be asking people about going to church with me, they'd say, well, I don't have a decent pair of shoes, and the Lord also gave me dresses like that. So I'd say, well, I don't have a decent pair of shoes, and the Lord also gave me dresses like that. So I'd say, okay, just come in here and I would give them shoes and clothes so they would feel more comfortable about going to church. Some of them never showed up. Some of them never graced the door, but every now and then one of them would. And then, one night when I was gone, someone stole all the shoes. But uh, that's, that's on them.
Speaker 2:Um, and one time also during this time when, uh, I mean, I, I was making it, I had food and everything. I didn't have nothing extra. And I said, lord, eas, easter Sunday's coming up, and I said you know, all those women are going to be dressed in real nice clothes and some of them's going to be have dresses and hats and brand new shoes. And I said, lord, you provided me with the shoes. I said I would really like to have a new dress. I said it don't have to be new, but I'd like to have a dress.
Speaker 2:And the Lord, the same woman that pulled up with all those shoes, come and said Debbie, mom was cleaning out her closet and I was taking all the stuff and taking it off hangers and putting it in bags. She said, debbie, this dress just spoke your name to me. She said when I saw it, I thought you would love to have this dress. Very beautiful dress, absolutely the right size. It was a perfect fit. I mean, god has things prepared for you already. And while I was still praying she bought me the shoes. While I was still praying she bought me the dress. She had to be already on her way when I asked God for this. God already had this set up and he put it on my heart to ask. God does lots of things for us, lots of things.
Speaker 2:Sometimes, when I was struggling to pay bills, my bills would come in lower. Or one time I was like Lord, I don't have the house payment, I don't have money for the phone bill, I have to keep the phone because my husband's so sick I have to call ambulances. And I said it's not a thing that anybody really has to have, but I actually need to keep the phone because of my husband's health. I said I need help. I had put applications in everywhere. People were saying oh, you've got such good work history. We will be sure to call you back right away. I would never get the phone call.
Speaker 2:I did not understand because the factory I had been working in before it shut down and my prayer was Lord, I know, when one door closes for your people, another door opens. I will not be afraid. And it kept hitting my mind all day. You need to go check the mail. You need to go check the mail. Well, my husband had a doctor's appointment so we took off. I didn't check the mail when we come back. I thought about it again. So I went and checked the mail and there was a check in the mail where this pharmacy had shut down and they had overcharged my husband. He had a deductible and when he got the deductible paid he wasn't supposed to have to pay anything else for his medicine, but they were still charging him. And when they did their books and saw that they sent me a check. The check was enough to make the house payment and to pay the phone bill and have ties. You know, it was all laid out there.
Speaker 2:And I got on the phone and called and I put the money in the bank and I called and I made these payments and as soon as I hung up the phone, a woman that I had worked with in Cumberland at the factory I was talking about that had shut down, called me and she was a prophetess of God and, bless her heart, she has gone on to heaven to be with the Lord. And she said Debbie, how would you like to work with me. Well, let me go back just a minute before I tell you what she said. The Lord spoke to me and he said you've got all your bills paid now. All that you have to pay now is your water bill, electric bill, phone bill. He said you don't have any high bills. Will you take a job for minimum wage? And I know this was the Lord, and so I said yes. And he said how would you like to go work up on the mountain with this woman? I don't know if I should say her name. If I said it, most of the people in Harlan County would know her and she called me and her words was how would you like to work up on the mountain with me? Well, before she called, I thought when the Lord was talking to me about working with her, I said how is this possible? Because she's working with her daughter and I know she would want to keep working with her. Well, events had taken place and her daughter was not going to be able to work with her for quite a while. So I said yes, and I had had a dream about going to this place in the mountains and I was with a preacher and his wife and we were.
Speaker 2:There was a little grassy field there and there was like some paper in it and he said why are people going to do this? And he walked over there to pick up the paper and me and her started walking down the creek. But we were stepping on rocks. We were walking on rocks going through the creek and we got to a place where the water was so deep and so huge that we couldn't walk on rocks anymore. And she said oh man, she. She said I love the water and the water represents the spirit of god and the rocks, who does that? Represent? So, uh.
Speaker 2:So the pastor come by me and he said I'm going up the mountain. This was a straight up like a high wall and had rocks. And he walked up this straight up, not holding his hands and grabbing a hold of the rocks, and climbing. He walked up that wall and I'm like, oh, I gotta do that, I gotta, I gotta do that. And I was thinking about the scriptures in the bible where it talks about heinz feet. So I looked at her and I said what are you going to do? Are you going to climb the mountain or are you going to go through the water? And she said I don't know. I want to be on the mountaintop but I love the water. And I said well, I'll meet you at the top if you come. So I walked up the same way he did. It was amazing. So I walked up the same way he did. It was amazing.
Speaker 2:And when I got to the top there was a big round place, a flat place and then another place on out from it. And I was looking around trying to see what was going on up there and I didn't see the pastor. And I heard a kid say Debbie, look. And he had a sword. This sword was huger than he was, if that's a word, but this sword was solid gold and the handle was diamonds in the form of a cross. I was so stunned at the beauty of this sword and I was like wow, what is this? He said it's the armor of God. He said the whole armor is here. He said everyone, there's enough for everyone. Everyone can have the whole armor of God.
Speaker 2:And I looked over the mountain and I yelled back down at the preacher's wife and I said Are you coming? She said I don't know. I just can't decide between the mountain and the water. And I looked back and there was another kid and it was standing there holding the shield and the shield was gold and it had a big diamond cross on it. And then the other one had the boots and in the front of the boots was gold and diamonds. It had gold, it was gold, it was just gold everywhere and it had diamonds crosses in it everywhere. The crown, the helmet did. And he said it's here, it's for everyone.
Speaker 2:And I woke up, I come out of it and when I went to this mines, that mines was set up exactly exactly the way the layout was in the dream. So I know that God has sent me there. And at one point when I worked there, they had changed. I was working in security, I was only getting $7.35 an hour and that woman's daughter was able to come back, so they wanted to at least keep me, so they wanted to give me one day. 12 hours a week is not much, but every bill was always paid. I always had food in my house, shoes on my feet, clothes on my back. God, god provided everything for me, but I was worrying. I began to worry and stress in between getting these bills paid and at this point my husband had passed away, so the only income I had was what I was making there.
Speaker 2:And I went to sleep and I had this dream and when I was in, they let me watch out of the office because I had cameras everywhere. And so in this dream I was cleaning everything. I mean cleaning. This was at a coal mines. Everything is dusty and dirty there. I even took a styrofoam clip and cleaned it out and cleaned all the pencils in it and put them back. Then I walked to the front door, I dusted my hands and I said I'm done with this place. And I walked out and started walking down the road and I saw another building. I said I'll work there.
Speaker 2:This woman came to me. She actually felt her tap me on the shoulder. Some people said they thought I was having night visions instead of dreams, because in some things I could feel, I could smell taste. And she, very angrily, she pointed back at the office I come out of and she said get the hints. And I looked at her and I just started crying. I said look, I know the Lord provides for me and maybe it's wrong, but I'm stressing very hard in between every bill that has to be paid, every time I need something, I'm stressing, but God is providing for it every step of the way. And I said forgive me for stressing.
Speaker 2:He said you know that God put you in this place to work and your work here is very important, it's extremely important. And I said okay, I said I will do what God wants me to do. And she said, because you have decided to obey God, he's going to give you two new gifts. And so I turned to walk back in and when I woke up from that I was was wondering two new gifts. I wonder what the gifts are going to be.
Speaker 2:And the same man that God sent me to give him the word that prophesied to me earlier in this message, he started prophesying to me again and he said God has given you two new gifts. I never even spoke this to anyone. And he said God has given you two new gifts. He said you're going to have the anointing of Elijah and the anointing of Esther. He said you are going to have the anointing to speak life over death, as was spoken in the valley of the dry dead bones. There's going to be things that come up as seemingly dead, but you're going to be able to speak life over them. And he said you're going to have the anointing of Esther and, when the time comes, you're going to have to rise up in the middle of chaos and you're going to have to save your family. And that was kind of scary. It was kind of scary.
Speaker 2:But my grandson, his mother, was well, she wasn't serving the Lord and she was into a lot of different things, and my grandson was at my house staying because at this point she was homeless and she didn't want him to sleep in a vehicle. So she bought him to me and she would come every day in the morning and she would stay there all day with him, but in the evening she would get back in her car and she would take off. I hadn't slept in three days because I was in security. I hadn't slept about three hours in two days, I mean. And I should not, nothing should not have woke me up.
Speaker 2:But I hear just real loud whoo kind of noise. It was real loud and I sat straight up in the bed, shook. It shook me. I thought what was that? And my son come running through the house. What was that?
Speaker 2:And we, I came out of my bedroom and he came from his room and she was curled up laying on the floor with her lips purple, and we scooted the coffee table over and he started giving her CPR as she was aspirating. Her lungs was full and he kept doing it. He wouldn't give up. And I saw her son wake up and he was standing there basically watching his dad try to save his mom. And I said, lord, please, don't let her die in front of her son. Please, god, bring her back. And he said I gave you the anointing of speaking life over death. I had heard a message preached about when God brought Lazarus out and he said he called him by name because if Jesus would have spoke, come out, everyone would have came out.
Speaker 2:So it came to my mind to call her by name and he had been trying so hard and he wouldn't let me do any CPR. So I came and I pushed him out of the way. I said I've got to pray for her. And I throwed my hands on her head and on her chest and I said in the name of Jesus, and I called her by name. I said wake up. And the Lord spoke to me and said death's got a hold on her. You have to command death in my name to loose her, to get his hands off her and then you have to command her to come to life. And when I did that, she bowed up on her head and her feet. Her body just bowed up, her eyes rolled back to where I could just see the whites in her eyes and she was just frozen at position. And then I called her by name and I said I speak life over you and more abundant than you've ever had. Wake up in the name of Jesus.
Speaker 2:And she fell to the ground and her body relaxed back down to the ground and she started breathing. It took 45 minutes for the amulets to get there. She was gone for 45 minutes. She was purple, she was aspirated and God bought her back. Now she's got her life together. She's married, she has three more children, so she is a mother of four. She's going back to school. She had to get her GED and now she's taking college courses. God's got a plan for her and she knows it and I thank you guys very much for listening to me today and I appreciate the opportunity. If this has blessed you and you know someone it might help. Please send it to someone else.
Speaker 1:Thank you for being on the show, sister Deb, and that was wonderful. I enjoyed that much and I enjoyed the Word of God. I enjoyed your testimony. I enjoyed that much and I enjoyed the word of God. I enjoyed your testimony. I enjoyed everything about it. It's a blessing to have you back on the show again and I hope to have you more on the future. It was great. It really really was. That was Debra King, right? Yes, yes, I wanted to say her name right, because I got another Deb here and they're both Debras, so I don't want to get them mixed up, but they've been a blessing to me. Both of them have, and I thank God and you guys, let's see a little. Alright, you guys are listening to the 421 Show. Go check out our website at hor421showbuzzsproutcom for all your latest content and information you can. We'll see you next time. Dot com Recorded at the 421 studio. For contact information, follow your studio needs, you can email at H-O-R 421 ministries at gmail dot com. Phone number is 239-849-1502. Take care.