421 Show

Risk It for the Biscuit. Cawood Church of God Sunday Service 3-09-25

Co Host Cawood Church Of God. Episode 128

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Pastor delivers a powerful message about giving our first fruits to God through the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, challenging us to trust God with our best rather than our leftovers.

• God always sends help when evil surrounds you 
• God provides for His people even in times of drought and famine
• Isolation may be God's way of cutting away things that hinder your growth
• When God directs you somewhere, stay until He gives you the next direction
• God often uses the unclean and unlikely to accomplish His purposes
• Those who count themselves out are prime candidates for God to use
• The difference between giving from abundance versus giving from need
• The barrel of meal will not waste when we give God our first
• Revival happens when God's people become hungry and thirsty for righteousness
• You may need to scrape the bottom of the barrel, but God will meet you there

The altar is open for anyone who feels like they're at the end of their resources. Come surrender everything to God first, and watch what He does in your life, family, finances, and health.

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Host: JD.