421 Show
(Hand Of Refuge Ministry.) Hello, my name is James Keith (JD) This podcast is part of my ministry. God says to take the gospel to the highways and hedges compel lost. We all come from different walks of lives, but one thing we all have in common is we have a testimony to share.
In this podcast I want share Gods testimonies, the word of God, all his goodness.
421 show: Host Jd.
Bible Talk: Host Deb Osborne.
Cawood Church Of God.
Bonus Programs:
Will feature Guest Testimony. And Gust Preachers
Coming Soon.
This Program will feature live audio recorded Messages only from Cawood Church Of God. Sunday morning Service.
If you would like to share your testimony contact hor421ministry@gmail.com.
Starting September 2024 every Sunday at 5pm Bible Talk will be airing on WUIC 88.1 Christian Radio
Radios contact information: Jsy@Wuic.org
Support the show through https://www.paypal.me/HOR421 you can also support on the website through the support link.
For Guest Information click on contributors tab on the Website.
24 hour prayer service, 1st Saturday of the month @ The Cawood Church of God. Harlan Ky.
For more information contact Georgina Perkins
@ https://www.facebook.com/georgina.perkins.733
Contact information:
Host: James Keith
Co Host: Debra Osborne
All show are recorded and edited @ 421 Studio. For all your studio needs contact @ hor421ministry@gmail.com 239-849-1502
421 Show
Bible Talk with Sister Deb. 5 of 5 Women of the Bible" Series: She stayed when others fled: Mary Magdalene's extraordinary role in the resurrection story.
Sister Deb concludes her "Women of the Bible" series by exploring Mary Magdalene, Jesus' faithful follower who became the first witness to his resurrection and the first to preach the good news.
• Mary Magdalene came from a village called Magdala on the Sea of Galilee
• Jesus cleansed her of seven demons, after which she financially supported his ministry
• Unlike many disciples, Mary remained faithful through Jesus' crucifixion and burial
• She was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection and to be entrusted with sharing the news
• Mary is mentioned more times in the gospels than many apostles
• Her story teaches us we don't have to be defined by our past
• When we encounter Jesus, he should become the center of our world
• Mary's example shows how women played crucial roles in spreading the gospel
• Women followers of Jesus were as much disciples as the men
If you'd like to contact Sister Deb, email her at OsborneDebRK@gmail.com. You can support the show through PayPal at /HOR421 or visit HOR421show.buzzsprout.com. Listen to Bible Talk on WIC 88.1 Christian Radio Station every Sunday at 5 pm or on the 421 Podcast on Apple, Spotify, and other platforms.
I would like to welcome everyone to the show enjoy and God bless everyone.